Creating Custom Commands with the Flask Framework: A How-to Guide

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Build your own custom commands using the Flask Framework

Build your own custom commands using the Flask Framework

Flask is a popular web framework for building web applications in Python. In addition to handling HTTP requests and responses, Flask also provides a way to build custom commands that can be run from the command line. This is useful for automating tasks, running periodic jobs, and performing other administrative tasks.

Here’s how you can build your own custom commands using the Flask Framework:

  1. Create a new command: To create a new custom command in your Flask application, you need to define a new command class that extends the flask.cli.Command class. This class should include a run method that contains the code to be executed when the command is run.
  2. Register the command: Once you have defined your command class, you need to register it with the Flask application using the app.cli.add_command method.
  3. Run the command: After registering the command, you can run it from the command line using the flask command-line utility. For example, if you have a command named my_command, you can run it by executing flask my_command.

Here’s an example of how you can create a custom command in a Flask application:

from flask import Flask, cli

app = Flask(__name__)

class MyCommand(cli.Command):
    def run(self):
        print("Running my custom command")


if __name__ == '__main__':

With this code, you have created a custom command named my_command that simply prints a message when run. You can run this command from the command line using the flask my_command command.

Custom commands in Flask provide a convenient way to automate tasks and perform administrative tasks from the command line. Whether you need to schedule periodic jobs, perform system maintenance, or run custom scripts, custom commands in Flask can make these tasks easier and more efficient.

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