
Creating Discussion Forum Part 12 Using Express Js (Back End, Post Express js, Express-Session) Part 1

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Membuat Forum Diskusi Part 12 Dengan Express Js

Membuat Forum Diskusi Part 12 Dengan Express Js (Back End, Post Express js, Express-Session) Part 1

Express Js is a popular back end framework for building web applications. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a discussion forum using Express Js, specifically focusing on handling POST requests and using Express-session for managing user sessions.

Back End Development with Express Js

Express Js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is designed for building single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications.

Handling POST Requests

When creating a discussion forum, it’s important to allow users to submit their comments and replies. This is typically done using POST requests, which allow data to be sent to the server for processing.

In Express Js, handling POST requests is quite simple. We can use the `app.post()` method to define a route that handles incoming POST requests. Inside the route handler, we can access the submitted data and perform any necessary processing before saving it to the database or displaying it on the forum.

Using Express-Session for User Sessions

User sessions are an important aspect of web applications, especially when it comes to managing user authentication and authorization. Express-session is a middleware that allows us to store session data on the server, making it easy to manage user sessions and keep track of user activities.

To use Express-session in our Express Js application, we can simply install it using npm and then use the `require()` method to include it in our code. We can then configure it to store session data in a database or in memory, and set up session middleware to handle user authentication and authorization.


In this article, we discussed the basics of creating a discussion forum using Express Js, focusing on handling POST requests and using Express-session for managing user sessions. In the next part of this tutorial series, we will continue building our forum and explore additional features and functionalities.