
Creating Instagram Stories using React Native and Reanimated | DEVember Day 18

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Instagram Stories in React Native with Reanimated | DEVember Day 18

Instagram Stories in React Native with Reanimated | DEVember Day 18

During the 18th day of DEVember, we will be exploring how to create Instagram Stories in React Native using the Reanimated library.

What is Reanimated?

Reanimated is a powerful library for creating complex animations in React Native. It provides a set of APIs for building smooth and performant animations that can be used to create interactive user interfaces.

Creating Instagram Stories in React Native

To create Instagram Stories in React Native using Reanimated, we can start by creating a new React Native project and installing the Reanimated library. We will then create a component that represents a single Instagram story, complete with swipe gestures and smooth animations.

Setting up the Project

To get started, we can create a new React Native project using the following command:

npx react-native init InstagramStories

Installing Reanimated

Next, we need to install the Reanimated library by running the following command:

npm install react-native-reanimated

Creating the Instagram Stories Component

We can then create a new component called InstagramStory that represents a single Instagram story. This component can include an image, user profile picture, and swipe gestures using the Reanimated library.


Creating Instagram Stories in React Native using the Reanimated library allows us to build engaging and interactive user interfaces. By leveraging the power of Reanimated, we can create smooth animations and gestures that mimic the user experience of the Instagram app. This is just one example of the capabilities of Reanimated and its potential to enhance the user experience of React Native applications.


For more information on Reanimated and how to use it for creating animations in React Native, you can refer to the official documentation at https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/.

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6 months ago

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