Creating Menu Bars with Tkinter – Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial #46

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In this tutorial, we will be learning how to create a menu bar with Tkinter in Python. Menu bars are a common feature in graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that allow the user to access various options and functions within the application.

To begin, make sure you have Tkinter installed on your system. You can check if Tkinter is installed by running the following command in your Python interpreter:

import tkinter

If this command runs without any errors, then Tkinter is installed on your system. If not, you can install Tkinter using the following command:

pip install tk

Now that we have Tkinter installed, let’s start by creating a basic window with a menu bar. Copy and paste the following code into a new Python file:

import tkinter as tk

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Menu Bar Tutorial")

# Create a menu bar
menubar = tk.Menu(root)

# Create a File menu
file_menu = tk.Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=file_menu)
file_menu.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit)

# Create an Edit menu
edit_menu = tk.Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=edit_menu)

# Create a Help menu
help_menu = tk.Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=help_menu)

# Start the main loop

In this code, we first import the tkinter module and create a new Tk object, which represents the main window of our application. We then set the title of the window and create a Menu object, which will be our menu bar.

Next, we create three menu items within the menu bar: File, Edit, and Help. Each of these menus contains several options that the user can select. We also add separators to visually separate different options within each menu.

Finally, we start the main event loop by calling the mainloop() method on the root object. This will display the window and allow the user to interact with the application.

You can run this code by saving it to a Python file and executing it using a Python interpreter. You should see a window with a menu bar at the top that contains the File, Edit, and Help menus, each with their respective options.

This is just a basic example of how to create a menu bar with Tkinter. You can further customize the appearance and functionality of the menus by adding additional options, commands, and event handlers.

I hope this tutorial was helpful in getting you started with creating menu bars in Tkinter. If you have any questions or run into any issues, feel free to ask for help. Happy coding!

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6 hours ago

sir we used functions like main_menu.add_cascade(label = 'some text', menu = file_manu)
i want to know the source code of these functions that how the functions like add_cascade(), Menu() etc are developed.
these functions are inbuilt and i want to know how these functions have been created.
Please sir explain, pleas sir

6 hours ago

sir can you please tell me how i can also add it in customtkinter

6 hours ago

how do you get rid of the dashed lines that appear above the menu items?

6 hours ago

thank you, sir.
what is the software you are using to write the code? I use IDLE but it is not so user friendly.

6 hours ago

Hey, I just have a question about python Tkinter. If I made a button in Tkinter where text appears on the screen when the button was clicked how do I make it so that when I run my code and press the button the text stays there when I close the program and re run it?

6 hours ago

Hello, thanks so much for your tutorials – but, I have a question, why do some teachers, such as yourself, start with "root = Tk()" and others start with "main_window = Tk()"? What is the difference and can I add the "root" at the beginning of my code or do I have to redo all of my work? Please and thanks…

6 hours ago

what do i need to put for root.iconbitmap, just asking and have no clue

6 hours ago

Thank you!

6 hours ago

awesome, thanks!

6 hours ago

mine says 'unknown option -Label'

6 hours ago

Does this work the same with customtkinter?

6 hours ago

How can I delete the sentences after I select my options?
I mean how I delete Friday text after I select Monday

6 hours ago

Thanks so much John, I just LOVE your videos. Please know that your efforts are much appreciated from all over the world. Blessings

6 hours ago

Many thanks to GOOGLE for automatic translation

6 hours ago

small Question:
Can we read an Array from Javascript generated (in the Memory) (RAM) and read with python. Python was the wonder magic all inkl. Language. So I think this can gone work.

6 hours ago

Not Working

6 hours ago

Thank you for this great explanation, but I have a question how to make the menu from right to left for Arabic.

6 hours ago

I LOVE this channel.

6 hours ago

Thank you so much <3

6 hours ago

I got question, how do u remove the fact if u click on the "————-" at the top of the drop box of a menu, it pops that menu out, how do u stop this from happening??

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