
“Creating My New Developer Portfolio with AI: A Quick Summary” #shorts

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How I Built My New Developer Portfolio Using AI #shorts

How I Built My New Developer Portfolio Using AI #shorts

As a developer, having a strong portfolio is essential to showcase your skills and attract potential employers or clients. In today’s competitive job market, it’s important to stand out from the crowd, and one way to do that is by leveraging AI to create a polished and professional portfolio.

Choosing the Right AI Tool

There are countless AI tools available that can help you build a stunning portfolio in a matter of minutes. I personally chose to use a platform that specializes in automatically generating visually appealing websites based on the content you provide. This allowed me to focus on the quality of my projects and let the AI technology take care of the design and layout.

Providing Content and Customization

After selecting the AI tool, I began by inputting all of my relevant portfolio content, including project descriptions, code snippets, and images. The AI then analyzed this information and used it to create a personalized and professional website layout. I was able to customize the color scheme, font, and overall look and feel to ensure that the portfolio reflected my personal brand and style.

Benefits of Using AI

Utilizing AI to build my portfolio saved me a significant amount of time and effort. Instead of spending hours coding and designing a website from scratch, I was able to have a professional-looking portfolio up and running in just a few minutes. The AI technology also ensured that my portfolio was responsive and optimized for various devices, which is crucial in today’s mobile-first world.

Showcasing Projects and Skills

With my new AI-generated portfolio, I was able to effectively showcase my development projects and skills. The platform made it easy to display code snippets, link to live projects, and provide detailed descriptions of each of my accomplishments. This allowed potential employers and clients to quickly understand the quality and depth of my work.


Building my new developer portfolio using AI was a game-changer for me. It not only saved me time and effort, but also gave me a polished and professional online presence. I would highly recommend exploring AI tools for portfolio creation to any developer looking to elevate their personal brand and attract new opportunities.

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6 months ago

So did you learned something..no..

6 months ago

thank you so much

6 months ago

show us a tuto vid

6 months ago

I love you .

6 months ago

Calling ChatGpt bro though 😂

6 months ago

Ayo bro:😂

6 months ago

Very Cool

6 months ago

is mid journey free?

6 months ago

I love my account bro.. 🥺

6 months ago

Is it free

6 months ago

lol no one will hire you with code paste do better

6 months ago

Aye bro 🤣

6 months ago

Can you share a sorce code?

6 months ago

How you got that images?

6 months ago

This is pretty cool

6 months ago


6 months ago

Hi Jarrod,

My name is fouad and I'm a junior front end developer . So I'm building a web app with Next 13, Firebase and Open Ai API.This is actually my first project on Next js. I saw found your video about stripe subscription and found it very interesting . But I'm not able to implement it on my project since I want to wait for the user to generate 1000 words( so free trial ) before asking for a subscription. I was wondering if you can take a look at my code and help me out with this problem. I can pay 20$ per hour.

Please let me know if you’re interested(I really need help🤗).

Thanks again

6 months ago

can you share the images

6 months ago

Can you make a full video on this?

6 months ago

Man I've been struggling trying to get ai to code websites with me