Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting Data with Angular

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Angular CRUD

Angular CRUD Operations

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. One of the common tasks when working with web applications is performing CRUD operations, which stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. In this article, we will explore how to perform CRUD operations using Angular.


Creating new data is an important part of any application. In Angular, you can use forms and HTTP requests to send data to a server and create new records in a database. This can be achieved with the help of Angular’s built-in services such as HttpClient and the use of Angular forms to capture user input.


Reading data from a server and displaying it to the user is a fundamental part of any web application. Angular provides powerful tools for retrieving data from a server and displaying it in the UI. You can use Angular’s HTTP client to make API requests and then use Angular’s data-binding features to display the data in the UI.


Updating existing data is another essential task in web application development. Angular makes it easy to send updates to a server and make changes to existing records. By using Angular forms and HTTP requests, you can update the data in the database based on user input.


Deleting data from the server is another crucial aspect of CRUD operations. Angular provides the necessary tools to send delete requests to a server and remove records from the database. By using Angular’s HTTP client, you can send delete requests and update the UI to reflect the changes.


Angular is a powerful framework for building web applications, and it provides the necessary tools for performing CRUD operations. By using Angular’s built-in services such as HttpClient and leveraging its data-binding and form features, you can easily create, read, update, and delete data in your web applications. With its strong community support and active development, Angular is a great choice for building modern web applications with robust CRUD functionality.