Creating reusable components in Vue.js – Episode 5

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Vue.js Ep. 5 – Create Reusable Components

Vue.js Episode 5 – Create Reusable Components

In this episode, we will be learning how to create reusable components in Vue.js. Reusable components are an essential part of building a scalable and maintainable Vue application. By creating reusable components, we can keep our code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and make our codebase more modular and easier to manage.

Creating a Reusable Component

To create a reusable component in Vue.js, we first need to define a new component using the Vue.component() method. We can then use this component throughout our application wherever we need it.

            Vue.component('my-component', {
                template: '
This is a reusable component
' });

In the above code snippet, we have defined a simple reusable component called ‘my-component’. The template property contains the HTML markup for our component. We can now use this component in our Vue application by including it in our template like this:


Passing Data to Reusable Components

Often, we need to pass data to our reusable components so that they can render dynamic content. In Vue.js, we can pass data to components using props. Props are custom attributes that we can define on our components and pass data to them from the parent component.

           Vue.component('my-component', {
               props: ['message'],
               template: '
{{ message }}
' });

In the above code snippet, we have defined a prop called ‘message’ on our component. We can now pass data to this prop from the parent component:



Creating reusable components is an important skill to master in Vue.js. By creating reusable components, we can write cleaner and more maintainable code. In this episode, we learned how to create reusable components and pass data to them using props. Stay tuned for more episodes on Vue.js!