Creating Stunning Patterns with Python Turtle Graphics

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In this tutorial, we will create an amazing pattern using Python’s turtle graphics module. Turtle graphics is a popular way to introduce programming to beginners, as it allows them to visually see the movement of the turtle on the screen as they write code.

To begin, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download it from the official Python website (

Next, open up a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) such as PyCharm or VS Code to write your Python code.

We will start by importing the turtle graphics module and creating a turtle object:

import turtle

t = turtle.Turtle()

Next, we will define a function that will draw the amazing pattern. We will use a loop to create the pattern by moving the turtle forward, turning it, and changing its color.

def draw_pattern():
    for i in range(36):

Now, we will call the draw_pattern() function to create the pattern:


Finally, we will add the following code to keep the window open until the user closes it:


Now, save your file with a .py extension, such as, and run it from the command line by typing python You should see the turtle draw the amazing pattern on the screen.

You can customize the pattern by changing the number of iterations in the loop, the distance the turtle moves forward, the angle it turns, and the color it uses. Play around with these values to create different patterns.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on creating an amazing pattern using Python’s turtle graphics module. Have fun exploring more patterns and experimenting with different shapes and colors!