
Creating VPC in AWS Environment for DevOps Operations

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VPC Creation Session in AWS Environment

VPC Creation Session in AWS Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service that allows users to create and manage their own isolated cloud network environment. In this article, we will discuss the process of creating a VPC in an AWS environment.

Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console

First, sign in to the AWS Management Console using your AWS account credentials. Once you are logged in, navigate to the VPC service.

Step 2: Create a VPC

Click on the “Create VPC” button to start the VPC creation process. Enter a name for your VPC, as well as the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) block for your VPC. This CIDR block specifies the range of IP addresses that your VPC will use.

Step 3: Configure Subnets

Next, you will need to create one or more subnets within your VPC. Subnets are logical divisions of your VPC that allow you to isolate different parts of your network. Specify the CIDR block for each subnet, as well as the availability zone in which the subnet will be located.

Step 4: Configure Internet Gateway

If you want your VPC to be able to communicate with the internet, you will need to attach an Internet Gateway to your VPC. This allows instances within your VPC to access resources outside of the VPC.

Step 5: Configure Route Tables

Finally, configure the route tables for your VPC. Route tables determine how traffic is routed within your VPC and to external networks. You can add routes to direct traffic to specific destinations, such as the internet gateway or virtual private gateway.


Creating a VPC in an AWS environment is a crucial step in setting up your cloud network infrastructure. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a secure and isolated network environment for your applications and services.