How to create your own Angular 16 tooltip directive
If you want to add tooltips to your Angular 16 application, you can create your own tooltip directive. This allows you to have full control over the appearance and behavior of your tooltips.
Step 1: Create a new Angular 16 directive
First, create a new directive using the Angular 16 CLI by running the following command:
ng generate directive tooltip
This will create a new file called tooltip.directive.ts in your project’s /src/app directory.
Step 2: Define the tooltip behavior
Open the tooltip.directive.ts file and define the behavior of your tooltip. You can use the @Directive decorator to specify that this is a directive and the @HostListener decorator to listen for events on the element that the directive is applied to. For example, you can listen for the mouseover event to show the tooltip and the mouseout event to hide it.
selector: '[appTooltip]'
export class TooltipDirective {
@Input() tooltipText: string;
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2) {}
@HostListener('mouseover') onMouseOver() {
// Show the tooltip
@HostListener('mouseout') onMouseOut() {
// Hide the tooltip
Step 3: Add the tooltip to your HTML template
Now that you’ve created your tooltip directive, you can use it in your HTML templates. Simply apply the directive to any element and pass the tooltip text as an input.
<div appTooltip [tooltipText]="'This is a tooltip'"></div>
Step 4: Style the tooltip
Finally, you can style your tooltip using CSS. You can use the ::ng-deep pseudo-class to target the tooltip element and apply styles to it.
::ng-deep .tooltip {
position: absolute;
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
That’s it! You’ve now created your own Angular 16 tooltip directive. You can customize it further by adding features like animations, positioning, and more. Happy coding!
In case anyone need this, position: fixed instead of position: absolute, so it stays with the element when you scroll in any axis.
hey sir after form submitted and call the form reset function then it showing all field in red color…. why ?