
Customizing MUI Stepper: A Comprehensive Example with Color, Icons, and Forms

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The Ultimate MUI Stepper Example: Custom Color, Icons, & Forms

The Ultimate MUI Stepper Example: Custom Color, Icons, & Forms

Material-UI is a popular React component library that provides a wide range of UI components for building web applications. One of the most commonly used components in Material-UI is the stepper, which allows users to navigate through a series of steps in a process or workflow.

In this article, we will explore how to customize the MUI stepper component with custom colors, icons, and forms to create a more personalized and visually appealing user experience.

Custom Color

Customizing the color of the stepper component can help to better align it with the overall design of your application. By using the StepConnector component, you can easily change the color of the connector line and the active step icon.

import { withStyles, createStyles } from ‘@material-ui/core/styles’;
import StepConnector from ‘@material-ui/core/StepConnector’;
import { StepIconProps } from ‘@material-ui/core/StepIcon’;

const CustomStepConnector = withStyles((theme) =>
active: {
‘& $line’: {
borderColor: ‘#FF5722’,
completed: {
‘& $line’: {
borderColor: ‘#FF5722’,
line: {
borderColor: ‘#E0E0E0’,
borderTopWidth: 3,
borderRadius: 1,

function CustomizedSteppers() {
return (
{/* steps go here */}


Custom Icons

Using custom icons for each step in the stepper can help to visually communicate the purpose of each step in the process. By providing a custom StepIcon component, you can easily replace the default icons with your own custom icons.

import StepIcon from ‘@material-ui/core/StepIcon’;

function CustomStepIcon(props: StepIconProps) {
const { active, completed, icon } = props;

return (

{completed ? : icon}


function CustomizedSteppers() {
return (
{/* steps go here */}


Custom Forms

By embedding custom forms within each step of the stepper, you can create a guided user experience that breaks down complex actions into smaller, manageable steps. MUI provides a StepContent component, which allows you to easily include custom forms and content within each step.

import StepContent from ‘@material-ui/core/StepContent’;

function CustomizedSteppers() {
return (

Step 1

{/* custom form for step 1 */}

Step 2

{/* custom form for step 2 */}

Step 3

{/* custom form for step 3 */}


By customizing the color, icons, and forms within the MUI stepper component, you can create a more visually engaging and user-friendly experience for your web application. With Material-UI’s extensive customization options, the possibilities for creating a unique and personalized stepper component are endless.

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Manish Panda
7 months ago

I purchased your MUI course on udemy. It is really in depth. But I am a beginner and I cannot troubleshoot on my own(when the content is outdated). I wish you had updated it. YOur course might be the best on udemy. But people are leaving because they are beginners and they want ready made solutions which they can apply in their projects. Please update it to the latest version. And always keep it updated. I will re-purchase it once you do so.

vani priyanka
7 months ago

Wow amzing

7 months ago

DO NOT buy his MUI udemy course! its GARBAGE! wasted my 30 bucks. WHAT A SCAM.

Ben Wales
7 months ago

Love these deep dive mui videos.