Cynthia Nixon urges Biden to implement ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza

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Cynthia Nixon, a well-known actress and activist, has been raising her voice in support of the people of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. As the death toll climbs and the humanitarian crisis worsens, Nixon has been calling on President Joe Biden to use his power to implement a ceasefire and allow much-needed humanitarian aid into Gaza.

The situation in Gaza is dire. The recent escalation of violence has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians, including many children, and has left thousands more injured. The widespread destruction of homes, schools, and hospitals has only added to the suffering of the people living in Gaza, who were already facing severe shortages of essential goods and services due to the blockade imposed by Israel.

Nixon has been speaking out about the urgent need for a ceasefire to put an end to the violence and restore a sense of safety and security for the people of Gaza. In a recent tweet, she called on President Biden to “use his power to bring an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian aid to Gaza. The situation is critical and lives are at stake.”

In addition to calling for a ceasefire, Nixon has been advocating for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. The United Nations and other humanitarian organizations have been warning that the people of Gaza are facing a growing humanitarian crisis, with shortages of food, water, and medical supplies reaching critical levels. Nixon has been urging President Biden to use his influence to ensure that humanitarian aid can reach those who need it most in Gaza.

The power to implement a ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza lies with President Biden and the United States, as a major ally of Israel. As a vocal advocate for social justice and human rights, Nixon has been using her platform to highlight the plight of the people of Gaza and to push for action to bring an end to their suffering.

It is time for President Biden to heed the calls of advocates like Cynthia Nixon and take decisive steps to address the crisis in Gaza. By using his influence to implement a ceasefire and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, he can help to alleviate the suffering of the people of Gaza and pave the way for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As the world watches the situation in Gaza unfold, it is imperative that leaders like President Biden take action to address the urgent humanitarian needs of the people living in the besieged territory. Cynthia Nixon and other advocates are speaking out, and it is time for those in power to listen and take meaningful steps to bring relief to the people of Gaza.

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6 months ago

What qualifies this has been to criticize Israel when she can’t even remember what she had for breakfast.

6 months ago

And thats how you use your platform everybody!

6 months ago

الله يقويهم ويسعدهم هالرحماء وينفع بهم

نفرح بهالمشاعر تطلع من الاحرار حول العالم والوقوف مع اخواننا المظلومين في 🇵🇸

6 months ago

Spoiler alert you washed up dinosaur: Israel happens to NOT be a state in America!

6 months ago

I think your wife should join you…maybe she will loose few grams lol

6 months ago

Long live cynthia Nixon
You proved humanity still exist
Love you

6 months ago

Supporting Palestinians is the same as supporting Nazi Germany.

6 months ago

Hamas numbers are propaganda.

6 months ago

You are not the center of the world so stop with this narcissistic nonsense.

6 months ago

I would like to thank Cynthia Nixon for have the courage to stand up for the Palestinian people in a time when being Pro-Palestinians has become censored — forbidden — suppressed by a political climate that doesn't allow us, global citizens, to show that we are against Israel's war of occupation, colonization and expansion of Palestine. Free speech all of a sudden is only allowed to people who are okay with the atrocities that Israel has been committing against the Palestinian people. We are living in a global dictatorship run by an extremely powerful Israeli Lobby that has been able to put several countries and the mainstream media in their pockets. So, thank you, Cynthia, for not only thinking about what standing against the inhumane way that Palestinians have been treated despite knowing what your support can mean for your career. People who don't agree with the dehumanization of the Palestinian people are being fired and cancelled — even called anti-semites and yet, you selflessly come out in their support. Thank you. The world knows that this war is not against Hamas — the world knows that the Israeli gov. is just aggressively working to expand Israeli territory by bombing Palestinians out of their homes and land. The world knows that most Jewish people are not Zionists and do not agree with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

6 months ago

Cynthia never denounced Oct 7 pogrom, never revolted against raped jewish women while their children were cooked alive in the ovens. She never spoke against isis beheading Christian and yazidi children, never spoke against Sadam and asad gasing Kurdish and Syrian children, she never even denounced 9/11. She never criticizes hamnazis, she always sides with 'from the river to tge sea' by staying quite about it. I pain for her children indoctrinated by her to Hate jews in israel and glorify hamas charter calling to murder all jews. When cynthia is silent when hamas kills gazans themselves but goes on strike when israel retaliated against thousands of rockets fired to kill jews, horrific pogrom since translates into her pro terrorist ideology of hamnazis to murder jews. Wwaayy too obvious

6 months ago

Did she count which of the killed are children and which of them are hamas solders? Palestinian cause is to murder all jews. She is a lousy mother to her kids if she sponsored terrorist organisation that had its goal to commit final solution on all jews. She basicaly sponsored herself thr final solution on israel. Seazfire means hamas will remain in power and commit more heinous crimes against jews. She is not a jew, so her children are not jews…she is lying. She hates jews and lives hamas charter that not only openly calls to kill all jews but killed more gazans and palestinians then all israel wars combined. I shell never watch her movies again. This guided movie is as lausy as her jewhating brans. She highjacks holocaust to promote jewhate. She cares not for gazans.

6 months ago

They hate America now they want a hand out😂

6 months ago

😂😂 2 days big deal

6 months ago

Cynthia Nixon total respect to you !! god bless you !!!

6 months ago

Respect to these all peace loving Jewish people.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Thank you for supporting the humanity.The truth shall prevail

6 months ago

Hamas was "democratically" elected by the Palestinian people. This people rejoiced on October 7th when Hamas killed babies and slaughtered pregnant women. sorry, but I really can't take this "celebrity outrage" seriously.

6 months ago

When actors open their mouths, remember…they are actors.