David Hearst Discusses Jordan’s Reaction to the Gaza Conflict

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In a recent Op-Ed video, David Hearst discusses Jordan’s reaction to the recent conflict in Gaza. The situation in Gaza has once again escalated, with violence and casualties mounting on both sides. Jordan, a neighboring country to the conflict, has been particularly shaken by the events unfolding in the region.

The Gaza conflict has always been a sensitive issue for Jordan, a country with a significant Palestinian population and a history of involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict. With the recent escalation of violence, Jordan finds itself in a difficult position, caught between its historical ties to the Palestinian cause and its desire to maintain stability and peaceful relations with Israel.

Hearst highlights Jordan’s delicate balancing act in response to the crisis. On the one hand, the Jordanian government has expressed its support for the Palestinian people and condemned the Israeli actions in Gaza. King Abdullah II has spoken out against the violence and called for a ceasefire to prevent further bloodshed. At the same time, Jordan has also sought to maintain its diplomatic relations with Israel and prevent the conflict from spilling over into its own borders.

Jordan’s response to the Gaza conflict reflects the challenges and complexities facing the country as it grapples with the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The situation in Gaza has once again brought to the forefront the deep-rooted emotions and historical grievances that continue to shape the political landscape of the Middle East.

Hearst’s analysis sheds light on the internal and external pressures that Jordan faces in navigating the Gaza conflict. The country’s delicate geopolitical position and its historical ties to the Palestinian cause have put it in a difficult position, with no easy solutions in sight.

As the Gaza conflict continues to unfold, Jordan’s response will be closely watched by the international community. The country’s efforts to balance its support for the Palestinian cause with the need to maintain regional stability will have significant implications for the broader dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In his Op-Ed video, David Hearst provides valuable insights into Jordan’s shaken response to the Gaza conflict and the broader implications for the region. As the situation continues to evolve, it is clear that Jordan’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will remain a critical and complex issue for the foreseeable future.

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6 months ago

Jordan is going to be occupied by Greater Israel

6 months ago

Very tru sir..the cat is out of the bag

6 months ago

Alan Dershowitz is an asshole. No one should invite him for any discussion that requires thoughtfulness.

6 months ago

Annoying background music, which by itself is very pleasing, but it is quite distracting (considering the importance of the topic)!

6 months ago

Zionists should go to Texas or Florida… they love them there!

6 months ago

Dog shit arab leaders are doing absoluetly nothing

6 months ago

How to wonder if antisemitism is growing all over the world ? And the west condemn it. What about the hate for Palestinians in Israel terrorist state ? I AM AGAINST ANY antisemitism and anti muslim!!! But the genocide going on sponsored wirh arms ans billions of dollars by usa and by their servant EU makes me sick

6 months ago

The expansion of Israel must be at the expense of its neighboring countries. Zionists are swallowing more territories. Nobody knows the limits of their greed and tyranny. Israelis have used their historical allegations to justify their crimes and violations. Nobody can trust zionists.

6 months ago

This very informative video is marred by truly annoying music. I come here for news, not a concert.

6 months ago

Israel will just keep marching east if there's unrest in Jordan. After all, that would make possible an even greater Greater Israel. Isnt that just what Israel wants? And they have unlimited support even sattilite surveillance and AI as weapons provided by their Colonialist collaborator in the West. Look how many Middle Eastern countries have already been invaded and weakened militarily by the US. Obviously this has all been part of a larger plan of collaborative conquest all along.

6 months ago

😂😂nothing will occur b/c the king is Holden to maintain peace at all cost b/c he chooses to depend on US dollars…

6 months ago

Good commentary but it is mostly speculation. But that is all anyone has anyway.

6 months ago

Apparently Jordan doesn't have much of an army to stand by n watch abuses from IDF.

6 months ago

Follow the money…  follow the traders monopoly tokens.

Today, there is a token mark, of involuntary servitude, in everyone's head and hand. Every transaction, with an Apartheid monopoly token, is evidence that you are a forced subject of the global cult lore of sovereignty. Sovereignty is a corporate colonial law that registers mankind as penned cattle for harvest and taxing.

Apartheid is the forced separation of people from markets by identity. Identity is a political tool, of traders, to manufacture consent for so-called sovereign banks to profit from militarily enforced Exclusive Economic Zones, monopoly currency, and Apartheid concentration camps full, today, of brown colored people with dark hair. Identity is a tool, of international traders, to make Apartheid profits by trading labour on 'stock' markets.

Publish MONOPOLY = SLAVERY on so-called sovereign monopoly money. Spend or auction your 'newspaper' to satisfy your daily needs with signed legal tender.

Remember that a statement of sovereignty is not secular. End Global Apartheid.

6 months ago

Keep boycotting. Keep speaking out. Keep praying. Palestinians have freed us from the deep sleep we were in when we believed in "civilization". We are powerful. We can vote with our money and our voices.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Count me in…

6 months ago

Its open from syria and Lebanon and eventually follow up will be egypt.

6 months ago

Here are some facts for you westerns who have no idea:
1. 70% of Jordanian citizens are in fact Palestinians.
2. Hordan is on Isらaeeels team.

6 months ago

The only eeal solution:send the interlopers back to their original homes. This satanic tribe has brought nothing but disaster, tears, and sorrow to the holy land. An unholy people does not belong on a holy land.