Day 1: Vue.JS Workshop – Introduction to Fundamental Front-End Development

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Workshop Vue.JS – Fundamental Front-End With Vue.JS (Day 1)

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Workshop Vue.JS – Fundamental Front-End With Vue.JS (Day 1)

Today is the first day of the Workshop Vue.JS – Fundamental Front-End With Vue.JS. This workshop is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to build modern front-end applications using Vue.JS.

What to Expect

Throughout the workshop, participants will learn about the fundamental concepts of Vue.JS, including:

  • Vue.js syntax and directives
  • Components and props
  • Data binding and event handling
  • API requests and state management
  • Routing and navigation

Agenda for Day 1

The agenda for day 1 includes the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Vue.JS
  2. Setting up a Vue project
  3. Understanding components and their lifecycle
  4. Working with data and methods
  5. Handling user input and events

Get Ready to Code

Participants are encouraged to have their laptops ready with the following tools installed:

  • Node.js
  • NPM (Node Package Manager)
  • Vue CLI (Command Line Interface)
  • Code editor of choice (e.g. Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom)

By the end of the day, participants will have practical experience in building a simple front-end application using Vue.JS and will be ready to take on more advanced topics in the following days of the workshop.

Stay tuned for more updates on Workshop Vue.JS – Fundamental Front-End With Vue.JS (Day 2)!

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6 months ago

Mohon maaf saya mengikuti replay dari youtube, untuk file template apakah boleh untuk di share disini ? dikarenakan saya tidak masuk di dalam grup dan mengikuti dari replay youtube. Terima Kasih atas pengertiannya 🙏🏻