
Day 14: Everyday Programming with NextJs, Building a Job Portal, Addressing Responsiveness and Connection Issues

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Programming everyday | DAY 14 with NextJs

Programming everyday | DAY 14 with NextJs & building job portal

Today marks Day 14 of our programming journey with NextJs. We have been working on building a job portal application and making it responsive to different screen sizes.


One of the key features we focused on today was ensuring that our job portal application is responsive to different devices. We implemented media queries and flexbox to adjust the layout and styling based on the screen size. This ensures that our application looks good and functions properly on both desktop and mobile devices.

Connection Issue

During our development process, we encountered a connection issue with one of our APIs that was causing the job listings to not display properly. After troubleshooting and debugging, we were able to identify the issue and fix it promptly. It’s important to stay patient and persistent when facing technical challenges like this.

Overall, Day 14 has been a productive day of coding and problem-solving. We are excited to continue working on our job portal application and further improve its functionality and user experience. Stay tuned for more updates on our programming journey!

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1 month ago

connection issues at the end of video :(((