Day 26 React Js Challenge: Building a Dynamic Accordion with React Hooks

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React Js Challenge Day 26 | Creating a Dynamic Accordion using React Hooks

React Js Challenge Day 26

Today, we will be creating a dynamic accordion using React Hooks.

What are React Hooks?

React Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8 which allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are functions that let you ‘hook into’ React state and lifecycle features from function components.

Creating a Dynamic Accordion

First, let’s start by creating a new React project using create-react-app.

npx create-react-app dynamic-accordion

Once the project is set up, let’s move into the project directory and install the necessary dependencies.

cd dynamic-accordion
npm install

Now, let’s create a new component called Accordion.js. Inside this component, we will use React Hooks to create a dynamic accordion.

import React, { useState } from "react";

const Accordion = () => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

const handleAccordionClick = () => {

return (

Click me to toggle the accordion

{isOpen &&

Accordion Content Here



export default Accordion;

In this example, we use the useState hook to create a piece of state called isOpen. We then use this state to conditionally render the accordion content based on whether the accordion is open or not.

Finally, we can use the Accordion component in our main App.js file.

import React from "react";
import Accordion from "./Accordion";

const App = () => {
return (

Dynamic Accordion Example


export default App;

Now when you run the project using npm start, you will see a simple dynamic accordion in your browser.


In this article, we learned how to create a dynamic accordion using React Hooks. With the useState hook, we were able to easily manage the state of the accordion and dynamically render content based on its state.

Thank you for reading and happy coding!

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6 months ago

Thanks for watching!!
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6 months ago

hey, create a playlist for all react challenges and also make some real world projects.

6 months ago

What code extensions do you use?

6 months ago

please , can you tell all the extension you use, like it
is showing like typescript?

6 months ago

Make a video like when we hover on Myntra header then product section show us list of category on hover how we make it