Day 5 of Week 2: 5PM Deep Learning with Keras

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5PM Deep Learning with Keras – Week 2 – Day 5

Welcome to 5PM Deep Learning with Keras – Week 2 – Day 5

Today is the final day of Week 2 of our Deep Learning with Keras course. We have covered a lot of ground this week, from the basics of neural networks to more advanced topics like convolutional neural networks.

Today, we will be diving deeper into Keras and exploring some of its more advanced features. We will also be working on some hands-on projects to reinforce our learning and put our skills to the test.

Agenda for Today:

  • Review of Week 2 topics
  • Advanced Keras features
  • Hands-on projects
  • Q&A session


Don’t forget to check out the resources provided for Week 2 on our course website. These will be helpful for further learning and practice.

Join us for Week 3!

We hope you have enjoyed Week 2 of our Deep Learning with Keras course. Don’t forget to sign up for Week 3, where we will be delving even deeper into the world of deep learning and exploring more advanced topics.

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