
Debugging and improving the Feedback Modal in React.js Demo | Frontend Debugging Round | JavaScript

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Fix and Debug Feedback Modal in React.js Demo | Frontend Debugging Round | JavaScript

Fix and Debug Feedback Modal in React.js Demo

Frontend Debugging Round – JavaScript


Frontend development can be challenging, especially when it comes to debugging. In this article, we will focus on fixing and debugging a feedback modal in a React.js demo. We will walk through the steps to identify and resolve issues in the modal component using JavaScript.


Imagine you are working on a React.js project that includes a feedback modal for users to submit their comments. However, you notice that the modal is not functioning as expected. Users are unable to submit their feedback, and the modal does not properly close after submitting the form. This is a common issue in frontend development, and we will demonstrate how to tackle it.

Debugging Process

To begin the debugging process, we need to first identify the source of the issue. This may involve inspecting the code for any errors or unexpected behavior. Once we have pinpointed the problem, we can begin fixing it by implementing the necessary changes to the modal component.

In our demonstration, we will use JavaScript and React.js to analyze the feedback modal code and address the issues. We will focus on understanding the event handling and state management within the modal component, as these are often areas where bugs may arise.

Additionally, we will utilize debugging tools such as console.log statements and browser developer tools to track the flow of data and identify any potential errors. By carefully analyzing the code and testing for different scenarios, we can effectively fix the feedback modal and ensure that it functions as intended.


Frontend debugging is an essential skill for all developers, and mastering it can greatly improve the quality of our projects. By learning how to fix and debug a feedback modal in a React.js demo, we have gained valuable insights into troubleshooting frontend issues. This knowledge will serve us well in future projects and contribute to the overall success of our development endeavors.

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