
Debugging React Apps: Advanced Techniques for Senior Developers

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Debugging React apps can be a challenging task, especially when you are working on a large codebase or encountering difficult bugs. However, with the right techniques and tools, you can efficiently debug your React apps like a senior developer. In this tutorial, we will explore some advanced debugging techniques and tools that will help you become a more effective and proficient React developer.

1. Use the React Developer Tools extension in Chrome

The React Developer Tools is a browser extension that allows you to inspect React components, state, and props right in your browser. This tool is an essential for debugging React apps, as it allows you to quickly identify and fix issues within your code.

To install the React Developer Tools extension in Chrome, simply go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “React Developer Tools”. Once installed, you will see a new tab in your Chrome Developer Tools specifically for React. Here, you can inspect the component hierarchy, view the current state and props of each component, and even make changes to state or props to see how it affects the component.

2. Use console.log statements strategically

Console.log statements are a tried and true method for debugging JavaScript code, including React apps. By strategically placing console.log statements throughout your code, you can track the flow of data and identify where issues may be occurring.

For example, if you suspect that a specific component is not rendering correctly, you can place a console.log statement inside the render method of that component to see if it is being called correctly. Additionally, you can log the state and props of a component to identify any discrepancies or unexpected behavior.

3. Utilize breakpoints in the Chrome Developer Tools

Another powerful debugging technique is to use breakpoints in the Chrome Developer Tools. By setting breakpoints in your code, you can pause the execution of your app at specific points and inspect the current state of your application.

To set a breakpoint in the Chrome Developer Tools, simply open the Sources tab, navigate to the file you want to debug, and click on the line number where you want to pause the execution. When your app hits that line of code, it will pause and allow you to inspect the current state, variables, and more.

4. Use React’s error boundaries for graceful error handling

React’s error boundaries are a built-in feature that allows you to catch and handle errors that occur within your components. By using error boundaries, you can prevent your entire app from crashing due to a single error and provide a more user-friendly experience.

To create an error boundary in React, simply create a new component that extends from React.Component and implement the componentDidCatch lifecycle method. Inside this method, you can handle the error gracefully by displaying an error message or performing other actions.

5. Use a tool like React Error Overlay for user-friendly error messages

React Error Overlay is a helpful tool that provides a user-friendly interface for displaying error messages in your React app. Instead of displaying cryptic error messages in the console, React Error Overlay shows a detailed error message overlay directly in the browser, making it easier to identify and fix issues.

To use React Error Overlay, simply install it with npm or yarn and add it to your project. When an error occurs in your app, the overlay will pop up with a detailed error message, stack trace, and a button to dismiss the error and continue using the app.

By utilizing these advanced debugging techniques and tools, you can become a more proficient React developer and efficiently debug your apps like a senior developer. Remember to use the React Developer Tools extension, console.log statements, breakpoints, error boundaries, and tools like React Error Overlay to streamline your debugging process and identify and fix issues quickly. Happy debugging!

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2 hours ago

I started learning Javascript and coding in general a year ago. Now I'm working as a junior web dev, all that I've ever needed was and still is console log.

2 hours ago

switching off "Strict Mode" is also an option though.

2 hours ago

Would be awesome to see something similar, but for React Native.

2 hours ago

go easy on stimulants my man, it's becoming very apparent. great video otherwise!

2 hours ago

great video, thank

2 hours ago

P.S. Why does strict mode render twice? Really asking…

2 hours ago

Great stuff!

2 hours ago

This is great- Im a senior dev (10 years), but the biggest challenge for debugging react apps now is the number of packages that use context to wrap around the parent component, and screws up normal rendering and react behavior. It can be really challenging to see what caused a re-render: css, context, props, hooks, etc. Then, using refs throughout adds another pile of complexity.

2 hours ago

Awesome! Thank you!

2 hours ago

it is impossible to pay attention to code editor/web page while you keep bouncing your head on camera. seems those dog dolls to put over a car panel.

2 hours ago

Thanks man for this great tutorial!

2 hours ago

console.log("no, thanks")

2 hours ago

I created a new Vite, react, typescript project. I went step by step, but when I set the breakpoint, the circle was empty, just a stroke. When I hovered over it, I got the following message

Some of your breakpoints could not be set. If you're having an issue, you can troubleshoot your launch configuration.

So far, I have not been able to find a solution. What I saw on stackoverflow didn't work.

2 hours ago

Please stop shaking your head only!

2 hours ago

Really awesome, I thought I was cool because I only used console.log, but there's some really useful stuff.

2 hours ago

bro i like your content but please stop moving your head .

2 hours ago

my experience is that these tools have bugs sometimes😢.

2 hours ago

Thanks alot

2 hours ago

A master class! Great tutorial!

2 hours ago

Brother can you suggest me linkedin social login library for React with Typescript which should be freeware and can be used in production. I tried many but none of them are working.

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