Decode the Vite source code: servePublicMiddleware

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Vite 原始碼解讀 – servePublicMiddleware

Vite 原始碼解讀 – servePublicMiddleware

When working with Vite, understanding the source code is essential to making the most of its capabilities. One important aspect of Vite’s source code is the servePublicMiddleware.

What is servePublicMiddleware?

servePublicMiddleware is a middleware function that serves static files in the public directory of a Vite project. This means that any files placed in the public directory are served directly to the client without any processing or bundling by Vite. This can be useful for serving assets such as images, fonts, and other static files that do not need to be processed by Vite’s build system.

How does servePublicMiddleware work?

The servePublicMiddleware function is built using the express middleware framework. It is responsible for serving files from the public directory by setting up a route and using the express.static middleware to handle the file serving.

Why is servePublicMiddleware important?

Understanding how servePublicMiddleware works is important for developers working with Vite, as it allows for better control over how static assets are handled in a project. By placing files in the public directory and using the servePublicMiddleware, developers can ensure that these files are served efficiently and without the need for additional processing by Vite.


Overall, the servePublicMiddleware function is an important part of Vite’s source code, as it provides a way to efficiently serve static files in a Vite project. Understanding how this function works and how to use it effectively can help developers make the most of Vite’s capabilities when working with static assets.