Decoding Vite Source Code: ModuleGraph Part 3

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Vite 原始碼解讀 – ModuleGraph part 3

Vite 原始碼解讀 – ModuleGraph part 3

Continuing our exploration of Vite’s ModuleGraph, let’s dive into part 3 of this analysis.

Understanding ModuleGraph

In Vite, the ModuleGraph is responsible for analyzing and understanding the dependencies between different modules in the application. This allows Vite to efficiently build the dependency graph and optimize the build process.

ModuleGraph part 3

Part 3 of the ModuleGraph analysis focuses on the handling of dynamic imports and how Vite efficiently resolves and bundles these imports. Dynamic imports are a powerful feature in modern JavaScript, allowing modules to be loaded on-demand, which can significantly improve the performance of the application.

When a dynamic import is encountered in the code, Vite’s ModuleGraph kicks into action, analyzing the imported module and its dependencies. Vite then optimizes the bundling process by creating separate chunks for dynamically imported modules, allowing them to be loaded on-demand without impacting the initial load time of the application.


Understanding Vite’s ModuleGraph is essential for developers looking to optimize their build process and improve the performance of their applications. Part 3 of the analysis highlighted the efficient handling of dynamic imports, showcasing Vite’s ability to create optimized bundles for on-demand loading of modules.

Stay tuned for future articles diving deeper into Vite’s internals and how it leverages the ModuleGraph for a fast and efficient build process.

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