
Deep Dive into Node JS, MongoDB, and Typescript for Building RESTful APIs [2022]

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RESTful API using Node JS, MongoDB & Typescript IN-DEPTH [2022]

RESTful API using Node JS, MongoDB & Typescript IN-DEPTH [2022]


In this article, we will dive deep into building a RESTful API using Node.js, MongoDB, and TypeScript. RESTful APIs
have become the standard for developing web applications nowadays, as they provide a scalable, stateless, and
platform-independent architecture.


Node.js is a runtime environment that enables developers to build scalable and high-performance applications using
JavaScript. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it perfect for developing server-side
applications like APIs.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database that provides a flexible, scalable, and high-performance solution for storing and managing
data. It stores data in a document format called BSON (Binary JSON), which allows for easy handling and querying of


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other advanced features to the language. It allows
developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code, thanks to features like type checking, interfaces, and
decorators. TypeScript is especially useful when working on large-scale projects.

Building the RESTful API

To build our RESTful API, we will be using Node.js with the Express.js framework, MongoDB for data storage, and
TypeScript for type safety. Express.js is a minimal and flexible web application framework that provides a robust set
of features for building web and mobile applications. It simplifies the process of defining routes, handling HTTP
requests, and integrating middleware functions.


Building a RESTful API using Node.js, MongoDB, and TypeScript allows for efficient and scalable development of web
applications. It provides developers with the flexibility to handle complex data and define custom routes to meet their
application’s specific requirements. With the power of these technologies, developers are equipped to create powerful
and robust APIs that can handle large amounts of data and scale to meet the demands of modern web applications.

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Pau Sabater Vilar
7 months ago

wow you are such a coding machine, no errors, no hesitation, all straight-to-the-point perfection

Abdullah Ayyash
7 months ago

Amazing. I don't see many great tutorials like this one on Youtube. Thank you

Satyam Agarwal
7 months ago

Most Underrated video of 2023

Martin Johansson
7 months ago

You are such a superhero! This tutorial is pure gold, thank you! ❤

7 months ago

Hey, I just want to voice my appreciation for the video, in short, it's fantastic. I'm a frontend dev and I have recently been learning how to write backends, I have been finding myself floundering with organisation, project structure and how to sanely separate concerns. This video has been very helpful to me at this stage in my learning path. Thanks 🙂

fasulu rahman
7 months ago

Very nice and clear explanation, thank you

Paresh B. Patel
7 months ago


Jhon Acosta
7 months ago

I love you. I was looking for some tutorial expecting the same 1 and a half hour of someone coding and commenting in real time with a lot of hesitation and struggling to be clear, but I can really see your dedication on the video planning and overlay voice script. It made the tutorial sooooo professional and easy to watch.

Besides, I also appriciate the Snippets tutorial. I've never seen someone explaining such a powerful tool mid-tutorial, neither integrating Joi in a crud tutorial (somehting really new for me and that I can see is actually widely used). And the cherry on top of the cake is that you drop the github repo, which make the tutorial easy to follow while I'm testing it in local at the same time instead of trying to replicate char by char the code that is being displayed. Nothing less than love for the thiss video <3.

Cheers from Bogotá, Colombia.

Ps: Could you add a Readme file to the Github repo, please? I'm sure I'll be using that code later on my projects and it will be useful to dont miss something on the setup.

7 months ago

Typescript and angular 10 is same.

Julius Ngwu
7 months ago


7 months ago

Nice voice, clean code and explanations

Nông Quang Huy
7 months ago

thanks you bro

Dominion Ikpeawujor
7 months ago

I noticed that chalk throws a "ES module require() is not supported" error when you try to run the application after installation. To solve this, install a degraded version instead (run` npm i chalk@4.1.2`)

catnug ratya
7 months ago

this is not a REST API. u do not know what REST API means.

catnug ratya
7 months ago

the are lots of mistakes lots of.

catnug ratya
7 months ago

ther is smth called es6 and async await. why u stil use .then ?? how olds are you bro 50?

catnug ratya
7 months ago

do so service layer jobs in cotroller. that is wrong.

catnug ratya
7 months ago

you do not use typescript kinda at all.

Andrey Arhipov
7 months ago

config – really interesting part )

catnug ratya
7 months ago

how you coded Author.ts model is wrong. you use generics in wrongway.