Deferred Views in Angular 17

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Angular 17 Deferrable Views

Angular 17 Deferrable Views

Angular 17 introduces a new feature called deferrable views, which allows developers to delay the rendering of certain components until they are needed. This can help improve performance by only rendering the necessary components when they are needed, instead of rendering all components at once.

Benefits of Deferrable Views

There are several benefits to using deferrable views in Angular 17:

  • Improved performance: By only rendering components when they are needed, deferrable views can help reduce the initial load time of a web application.
  • Reduced memory usage: Since only the necessary components are rendered, deferrable views can help reduce the amount of memory used by the application.
  • Enhanced user experience: Deferrable views can help improve the overall user experience by making the application more responsive and faster to navigate.

How to Use Deferrable Views in Angular 17

Deferrable views in Angular 17 can be implemented using the defer attribute on a component. This attribute tells Angular to delay the rendering of that component until it is needed.

Here’s an example of how to use the defer attribute in Angular 17:

<app-deferred-component defer></app-deferred-component>

In the above example, the app-deferred-component component will only be rendered when it is needed, thanks to the defer attribute.


Deferrable views are a powerful new feature in Angular 17 that can help improve performance, reduce memory usage, and enhance the user experience of web applications. By only rendering components when they are needed, developers can create faster and more responsive applications that provide a better overall experience for users.

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1 month ago

Regarding unit testing, do you think that testing that uses DOM would be functionality testing, not unit testing?