Demo 5: Exploring IC Validator PERC VUE with Synopsys

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In this tutorial, we will continue with Part 5 of the IC Validator PERC VUE Demo series by Synopsys. In this part, we will be focusing on setting up and running the PERC VUE job to perform DRC verification on a layout design.

Step 1: Launch the IC Validator PERC VUE tool
To begin, you will need to launch the IC Validator PERC VUE tool on your computer. Make sure you have installed the tool properly and have all the necessary licensing and setup completed.

Step 2: Open the layout design
Next, you will need to open the layout design on which you want to perform the DRC verification. Go to the File menu and select Open Layout to navigate to the location of your layout design file and open it in the PERC VUE tool.

Step 3: Set up the DRC rules
Once the layout design is open, you will need to set up the DRC rules for the design. Go to the Setup menu and select DRC Rules to access the DRC rule setup dialog. Here, you can define the DRC rules that you want to apply to the design.

Step 4: Run the DRC verification job
After setting up the DRC rules, you can now run the DRC verification job on the layout design. Go to the Setup menu and select Run Job to configure the job settings such as job name, output directory, and other parameters. Once the job settings are configured, click on the Run button to start the DRC verification job.

Step 5: Check the DRC results
Once the DRC verification job is completed, you can check the DRC results to see if there are any violations found in the layout design. Go to the Results tab in the PERC VUE tool to view the DRC violations and analyze them in detail.

Step 6: Fix any DRC violations
If there are any DRC violations found in the layout design, you will need to fix them to ensure the design is compliant with the DRC rules. Use the editing tools in the PERC VUE tool to make the necessary changes to the design and then re-run the DRC verification job to verify the fixes.

That’s it for Part 5 of the IC Validator PERC VUE Demo series. In this tutorial, we covered how to set up and run a DRC verification job on a layout design using the PERC VUE tool. Stay tuned for the next part of the series where we will cover more advanced features of IC Validator PERC VUE.