Demo of PySimpleGUI MIDI Player: Playing MIDI files on a Yamaha Piano

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In this tutorial, we will be using PySimpleGUI to create a MIDI player demo that can playback MIDI files on a Yamaha Piano. PySimpleGUI is a simple Python GUI framework that allows you to create graphical user interfaces in Python with minimal code. Using PySimpleGUI, we will create a simple interface with buttons for controlling the playback of MIDI files on a Yamaha Piano.

To follow along with this tutorial, you will need to have Python installed on your computer. You will also need to install PySimpleGUI and the Mido library, which is a Python library for working with MIDI files.

To install PySimpleGUI, you can use pip:

pip install PySimpleGUI

To install Mido, you can use pip as well:

pip install mido

Once you have installed PySimpleGUI and Mido, you can start creating the MIDI player demo.

First, create a new Python file and import the necessary libraries:

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import mido

Next, define the layout of the GUI. We will create a simple interface with buttons for opening a MIDI file, playing the file, and stopping the playback.

layout = [
    [sg.Text('Select MIDI file:'), sg.InputText(key='file_path'), sg.FileBrowse()],
    [sg.Button('Play'), sg.Button('Stop')]

Now, create the window using the layout:

window = sg.Window('MIDI Player Demo', layout)

Next, define a function that will handle playing the MIDI file. This function will use the Mido library to open the MIDI file and send the MIDI messages to the Yamaha Piano for playback.

def play_midi(file_path):
    with mido.open_output('IAC Driver Bus 1') as port:
        for msg in mido.MidiFile(file_path):

Finally, create a loop that will handle events in the GUI. Inside the loop, check for button clicks and call the appropriate functions.

while True:
    event, values =

    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:

    if event == 'Play':
        file_path = values['file_path']
        if file_path:

    if event == 'Stop':
        # TODO: Implement stop playback function


In this code snippet, we have implemented a basic layout for the MIDI player demo and defined a function for playing MIDI files. The function play_midi opens the selected MIDI file and sends the MIDI messages to the Yamaha Piano for playback.

You can further enhance the MIDI player demo by adding features such as stop playback, pause/resume playback, volume control, and tempo control.

Overall, PySimpleGUI provides a simple and easy way to create GUI applications in Python. With the help of the Mido library, you can easily work with MIDI files and create a MIDI player demo that can playback MIDI files on a Yamaha Piano.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Happy coding!

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2 hours ago

Dude this is epic. You should definitely upload to GitHub, I am a guitar player trying to learn piano and this would be extremely useful!

2 hours ago

It must be such a great feeling to get handy GUIs via your own product in minutes for almost anything you need😌 Great stuff !

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