Deploy Node.js and Express API on AWS Lambda

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Run API built in Node.js and Express on AWS Lambda

Run API built in Node.js and Express on AWS Lambda

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda is a serverless computing platform that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. This makes it a great option for running API built in Node.js and Express, as it allows you to focus on writing your code without worrying about infrastructure management. In this article, we’ll go through the steps of setting up and running an API built in Node.js and Express on AWS Lambda.

Step 1: Set up your Node.js and Express API

First, you’ll need to have your API built in Node.js and Express. If you don’t have one already, you can create a new project using npm and install the necessary dependencies:

npm init
npm install express
// Additional packages as needed

Write your code for the API, including defining your routes and handling requests.

Step 2: Set up AWS Lambda

Next, you’ll need to set up your AWS account if you haven’t already. Once you’re logged in to the AWS Management Console, navigate to Lambda and create a new function. Choose Node.js as the runtime and upload your code as a .zip file or use the inline code editor.

Step 3: Configure API Gateway

Now that your function is created, you’ll need to set up an API Gateway to handle HTTP requests and route them to your Lambda function. In the API Gateway section of the AWS Management Console, create a new API and set the integration type to Lambda function. Choose your Lambda function from the dropdown and create your API endpoints.

Step 4: Deploy your API

After configuring your API endpoints, you can deploy your API to make it accessible over the web. In the API Gateway console, select the API you created and choose the “Deploy API” option. You’ll be given a URL for accessing your API, which you can use in your web applications or for testing purposes.


Running an API built in Node.js and Express on AWS Lambda makes it easy to manage your code and scale your applications without the need to handle server infrastructure. By using AWS Lambda and API Gateway, you can focus on writing your code and let AWS handle the rest. Try it out and see how easy it is to run your API on AWS Lambda!

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9 months ago

Thank you very much for this great repo and video!!
if I run docker in local with your setting, what will be the endpoints in .http test?
let's say if I build with
docker build -t api-service-lambda .
and run with
docker run -d –name my-container -p 8080:3001 api-service-lambda

9 months ago

Thank you. I was hoping you would do a follow up to the previous video. I needed help working the lambda and the tags on the images.