Deploying a Django application on Cpanel – A Step by Step Guide

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How to deploy a Django application on Cpanel

How to deploy a Django application on Cpanel

Deploying a Django application on Cpanel can be a little bit tricky, but with the right steps, it can be done smoothly. Cpanel is a popular web hosting control panel that allows users to easily manage their websites and applications. In this article, we will discuss the steps for deploying a Django application on Cpanel using the built-in Python support and a few additional configuration steps.

Step 1: Set up a Python environment on Cpanel

Before deploying a Django application, you need to ensure that Cpanel has a functioning Python environment. You can do this by accessing the “Software” section in Cpanel and installing Python using the “Setup Python App” option. Make sure to select the appropriate version of Python for your Django application.

Step 2: Create a virtual environment for your Django application

Once Python is set up, you will need to create a virtual environment for your Django application. You can do this by accessing the terminal in Cpanel or using an SSH client to connect to your server. Navigate to the root directory of your application and run the command:

        $ python -m venv myenv

Step 3: Install dependencies and configure the Django application

After creating the virtual environment, activate it and install the necessary dependencies for your Django application using pip. You can also configure the settings for your Django application, such as the database connection and static files settings. Make sure to update the “ALLOWED_HOSTS” setting to include your domain or IP address.

Step 4: Configure and deploy the Django application on Cpanel

Next, you will need to configure the Python application through the “Setup Python App” option in Cpanel. Select the appropriate virtual environment and set the application startup file to the “” file in your Django project. You may also need to specify the static and media file locations if they are served from within the Django application.

Step 5: Test and finalize the deployment

Once the Django application is configured on Cpanel, you can test it by accessing your domain or IP address in a web browser. Make sure to check for any errors and test the functionality of your application. You may also need to make adjustments to your Cpanel configuration based on the specific requirements of your Django application.

Deploying a Django application on Cpanel may require additional steps based on the specific requirements of your application. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to successfully deploy your Django application on Cpanel and start serving it to the world.

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