
Deploying Node JS code to multiple EC2 instances using CICD Autoscaling in AWS: A Complete DevOps Project – Part 8

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Part 8 | Deploy Node JS Code to multiple EC2 using CICD Autoscaling in AWS | Complete DevOps Project

Part 8 | Deploy Node JS Code to multiple EC2 using CICD Autoscaling in AWS | Complete DevOps Project

In this final part of our Complete DevOps Project series, we will learn how to deploy our Node JS code to multiple EC2 instances using CI/CD and Autoscaling in AWS. This will ensure high availability and scalability of our application.

Setting up Autoscaling Group

To deploy our Node JS code to multiple EC2 instances, we first need to set up an Autoscaling Group in AWS. This will automatically add or remove EC2 instances based on the traffic load. We can define the minimum and maximum number of instances in the group, as well as set up scaling policies based on various metrics like CPU usage or network traffic.

Creating CI/CD Pipeline

Next, we will create a CI/CD pipeline using tools like Jenkins or AWS CodePipeline. This pipeline will automate the process of building, testing, and deploying our Node JS code to the Autoscaling Group. We can define different stages in the pipeline like build, test, and deploy, and configure triggers to automatically run the pipeline whenever new code is pushed to the repository.

Node JS Deployment Script

We will also need to create a deployment script that will be executed by the CI/CD pipeline. This script will clone the repository, install dependencies, build the code, and then deploy it to the Autoscaling Group. We can use tools like Ansible or AWS CLI to automate this process and ensure that the deployment is consistent across all instances.

Monitoring and Logging

Finally, we will set up monitoring and logging for our application to track the performance and health of the EC2 instances. We can use tools like CloudWatch to collect and analyze metrics, as well as set up alarms to notify us of any issues. We can also enable logging in our application to track errors and debug any issues that may arise.

By following these steps, we can ensure that our Node JS application is deployed to multiple EC2 instances with high availability and scalability in AWS. This completes our DevOps project and demonstrates the power of automation in managing and deploying cloud-based applications.