
Deploying Vuejs to Firebase

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Vue.js Deploy to Firebase

Deploying a Vue.js App to Firebase Hosting

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. Firebase Hosting is a web hosting service provided by Google that allows you to deploy your web apps quickly and easily.

Step 1: Create a Vue.js App

First, create your Vue.js app using the Vue CLI. You can install the Vue CLI by running the following command in your terminal:

      npm install -g @vue/cli
      vue create my-vue-app

Step 2: Build the App

Once you have created your Vue.js app, build the app for production by running the following command:

      npm run build

Step 3: Install Firebase Tools

Install Firebase CLI tools by running the following command:

      npm install -g firebase-tools

Step 4: Login to Firebase

Log in to your Firebase account by running the following command:

      firebase login

Step 5: Initialize Firebase in Your App

Initialize Firebase in your Vue.js app by running the following command in the root directory of your project:

      firebase init

Step 6: Deploy Your App

Finally, deploy your Vue.js app to Firebase Hosting by running the following command:

      firebase deploy

Your Vue.js app should now be deployed to Firebase Hosting and accessible via a secure URL provided by Firebase.