DeSantis Urges Haley to Reveal Stance on Accepting VP Spot from Trump #shorts

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has recently been putting pressure on former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley to reveal whether she would accept a spot as Vice President on a ticket led by former President Donald Trump. DeSantis, who is considered a potential presidential candidate himself, has been rumored to be considering a run for the White House in 2024.

The pressure from DeSantis comes as Trump continues to remain a dominant figure within the Republican Party. Many within the GOP are looking to Trump for guidance on the future direction of the party, and the prospect of him running for president again in 2024 has not been ruled out.

Haley, who served as ambassador to the UN under the Trump administration, has been seen as a rising star within the Republican Party. Her potential as a vice presidential candidate has been the subject of much speculation, and she has not ruled out a future run for the presidency herself.

With Trump still holding considerable sway within the party, the question of who would be his running mate in a potential 2024 bid has become a topic of interest. DeSantis’ public pressure on Haley to disclose her intentions regarding a potential VP spot underscores the intense jockeying for position within the Republican Party as potential candidates position themselves for a run in 2024.

The dynamics at play within the GOP are complex, with various figures vying for influence and positioning themselves for a shot at the White House. The pressure from DeSantis on Haley is just one example of the high-stakes political maneuvering taking place behind the scenes.

It remains to be seen how Haley will respond to DeSantis’ pressure and whether she will ultimately throw her hat in the ring for a potential VP spot on a ticket led by Trump. With the 2024 presidential race still a few years away, there is sure to be plenty more drama and intrigue as the Republican Party seeks to define its future in the post-Trump era.

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6 months ago

I wouldn’t vote her for dog catcher. RINO and a WEF puppet.

6 months ago

Trump/Carlson 2024

6 months ago

Vp should be ram a swamy.

6 months ago

If Trump picks Haley as his VP he’s in big trouble. She will sabotage him every step of the way and than go on to become a President that will take direct orders from the swamp.
He should go with Tulsi Gabbard

6 months ago

No way! President Trump and President DeSantis will pick a strong Vice Presidents.

6 months ago

None of you will,maybe vivek 😅😅

6 months ago

Men are better suited for such positions

6 months ago

Not sure how that's a problem ? I mean… Nikki Haley would be an outstanding Vice President.

6 months ago

Both of them SUCK, Trump #1 Vivek #2

6 months ago

No way. Rino, deep state uniparty!😖

6 months ago

Donald Trump doesn't need to spend any more money the people will vote him in if they don't steal the election again

6 months ago

I suggested to our famous Governor DeSantis to run 2028 stop wasting money and support the president that was taking care of business keep Donald Trump on your side you going to need him for 2028 you know Floridians brothers and sisters love you ..

6 months ago


6 months ago

Trump would not offer it to you

6 months ago

At the present I’m all in for Trump but if he chooses her I’d say forget about it.

6 months ago

VIVEK RAMASWAMY is the only candidate in the field that would do 45 and the rest of the country very well as the VP pick. I'm sorry but the guy got balls just like 45 especially when it comes to the dealing with MSM. He ripped that CNN host to sheds. He's the guy

6 months ago

Hahahaga Nikki fir dog catcher Trump won’t pick her

6 months ago

Trump has someone else in mind.

6 months ago

Nikki is rubbish she with the Clinton’s made Millions

6 months ago

If trump puts her in as vp id have to think abojt my vote for him