
Desarrollo de un Proyecto Real con Laravel y Vue: Guía Paso a Paso | GOGODEV

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Desarrollando un Proyecto Real con Laravel y Vue: Paso a Paso | GOGODEV

Desarrollando un Proyecto Real con Laravel y Vue: Paso a Paso

GOGODEV is excited to announce our latest course on developing a real project with Laravel and Vue. This course is designed for developers who want to enhance their skills in building web applications with these powerful technologies. Let’s dive into the details of what you can expect from this comprehensive course.

What You’ll Learn

  • Setting up a Laravel environment
  • Creating a Vue frontend
  • Building RESTful APIs with Laravel
  • Integrating Vue components with Laravel backend
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization
  • Testing and debugging your application

Why Choose GOGODEV

At GOGODEV, we understand the importance of hands-on learning. That’s why this course is designed to walk you through every step of building a real project. Our instructor will provide detailed explanations and examples, ensuring that you have a thorough understanding of the concepts and techniques involved.

Who Should Take This Course

This course is suitable for developers with some experience in Laravel and Vue, as well as those who are new to these technologies and want to build a solid foundation. Whether you’re a frontend developer looking to expand your skills or a backend developer interested in learning Vue, this course is for you.

Enroll Today

If you’re ready to take your Laravel and Vue skills to the next level, enroll in our course today. You’ll gain practical experience in developing a real project, and you’ll have access to our instructor for any questions or support you may need along the way. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to grow as a developer!

© 2023 GOGODEV. All rights reserved.

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7 months ago

Para la migración lessons, deben de crear la foreign key como unsignedBigInteger('level_id') para evitar problemas al referenciar a la tabla levels (esto desde Laravel 10, desconozco versiones anteriores)

José Manuel Sánchez Gil
7 months ago

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1824 Failed to open the referenced table 'levels' (Connection: mysql, SQL: alter table `lessons` add constraint `lessons_level_id_foreign` foreign key (`level_id`) references `levels` (`id`) on delete cascade on update cascade) me sale este error ayuda por favor

7 months ago

Hola. Muchas gracias por el curso, sirve un montón! Consulta, para cuándo estimas que estará por completo publicado acá en YouTube? Es decir, cuándo crees que saldrá la última parte?

7 months ago

Excelente!! en espera de los siguientes videos

programador evolucionw
7 months ago

Justo lo que buscaba, ya que todos lo hacen en monolito. Espero con ansias los nuevos videos, saludos!.

Guillermo Decima
7 months ago

He terminado el de VUE3 y Laravel… excelentes videos, Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo, un genio!, aquí estamos a la espera de los siguientes videos de este curso! sería bueno implementar bootstrap o Vuetify para el front! (nose si sería posible incluir AdminLTE que es gratis)

jos bexerr
7 months ago

Muchas gracias Mister Gogo

Paul Vasquéz
7 months ago

El orden para crear la tablas es importante de lo contrario hay errores en las migraciones

7 months ago

Q ganas de que siga esta serie, eres un grande!! Total admiración

7 months ago


Jose Luis Velasquez A.
7 months ago

Juanjo esperamos con mucha espectativa los siguientes videos, en lo referente al frontal creo que sería muy útil utilizar una plantilla administrativa con bootstrap, éxitos…

Niobel del Pozo Nistal
7 months ago

Que framework CSS / UI utilizarás tailwind, vuetify?

7 months ago

Cuando subes los siguientes videos?

Ariel Cayo
7 months ago

muy bueno excelente

Cristian Chavez
7 months ago

Videazo, muy bien explicado. Sería posible que en los componentes de vue integres algún template con bootstrap, muchos videos enseñan pero con tailwind y habemos muchos que por la parte del diseño preferimos bootstrap, y una última, ¿Para cuando estará la 2da parte?

Oscar S. Márquez
7 months ago

Hola master, felicidades y gracias!! ¿Usaras Tailwinds?

Ghost Snow
7 months ago

Este taller esta muy bueno muchas gracias, cada cuanto saldrá un nuevo video ?
Psdt sería genial un taller de Django con Vue.

Ry Fr
7 months ago

siempre lo diré… Cómo haces para estar en muchas cosas? es increíble… ni siquiera he acabado el curso de Laravel y ya estás unos pasos más adelante… te felicito de corazón!

Emerson Medina
7 months ago

🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:14 🎯 This course focuses on practical development with Laravel and Vue in a real project, not just exercises.
02:05 🛠️ Prior to coding, certain diagrams and client feedback are usually necessary, but in this case, assume the proposed development is valid.
03:02 🧰 The project will use Laravel under the MVC architecture, emphasizing the use of known tools to practice.
04:23 🧪 Testing will focus on sampling modules rather than testing the entire application, to avoid repetitive and monotonous testing.
05:20 💼 The client, "Speak Smarter," is a company in the United States specializing in English language training for professionals. They need a platform for interactive English classes.
16:53 🏗️ The project involves building a Laravel backend that provides an API to a Vue application for managing memberships, with Stripe integration for payment processing.
18:03 🛠️ They are developing an admin panel in Laravel using Inertia.js for the frontend, which will be part of the Laravel monolith.
20:08 🔄 The project encompasses different scenarios, including Laravel with Vue, Laravel serving an API, and using various tools and frameworks for educational purposes.
22:01 🗃️ They discuss the initial data schema, which includes user roles, permissions, lessons, categories, and levels.
32:58 🗂️ The video transitions into setting upthe Laravel project and creating a development database for the course, emphasizing flexibility in the choice of SQL databases.
33:26 ⚙️ The video discusses setting up a development environment for a Laravel and Vue.js project.
37:28 📋 The speaker generates models and migrations for entities like lessons, categories, and levels in the Laravel project.
39:02 🧩 A pivot table is created to manage the many-to-many relationship between lessons and categories in the project.
50:24 🔄 The video covers defining relationships between models, such as the relationship between lessons and categories, using Laravel's Eloquent ORM.
53:20 🔄 The video discusses defining many-to-many relationships using Laravel's Eloquent ORM.
54:17 🧪 Seeding the database is essential for populating predefined data, and the video demonstrates how to create a seeder for levels.
57:26 📂 Running migrations is necessary to create the database tables based on the defined models and relationships.
59:09 🛠️ The video concludes the initial data setup for the project and hints at upcoming development steps, such as creating a user role and permission module.
01:00:08 🧩 The video encourages viewers to practice modeling the role and permission module before the next class, emphasizing hands-on learning and comparison with the video's solution.

Made with HARPA AI

7 months ago

Hola, me da error al generar la migración de la tabla lessons, ya que la tabla levels aun no está creada para que haga la relación foránea, pero veo que a ti te sale correcto, es algún tipo de configuración?