Designing UI with Vue Bootstrap 3

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Designing 3 Vue Bootstrap UI

Designing 3 Vue Bootstrap UI

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. When combined with Bootstrap, a widely used front-end framework, Vue Bootstrap UI design becomes an easy and efficient process. In this article, we will discuss how to design 3 Vue Bootstrap UI.

1. Navbar

The navbar is an essential component of any website or web application. It provides navigation and quick access to important links. With Vue Bootstrap, designing a responsive and stylish navbar is a breeze. Here’s a basic example of a Vue Bootstrap navbar:




export default {
// …


This code snippet creates a responsive dark-themed navbar with a brand logo and collapsible navigation links. You can customize it further with additional features such as dropdown menus, search bars, and icons.

2. Modal

Modals are useful for displaying important information, alerts, or interactive components such as forms and dialogs. With Vue Bootstrap, creating modal windows is straightforward. Here’s a simple example:


Launch demo modal

Hello from modal!

export default {
// …


In this code, a button triggers a modal window with a title and content. You can customize the modal’s appearance, behavior, and content to suit your needs.

3. Card

Cards are versatile UI components for displaying various types of content, such as images, text, and buttons. Vue Bootstrap simplifies the process of creating and styling cards. Here’s an example of a card with an image and text:


This is a simple card component with a title, image, and text.

Go somewhere

export default {
// …


In this example, a card component is styled with a title, image, text, and a button. You can easily customize the card’s appearance, layout, and content to create engaging and responsive UI designs.


Vue Bootstrap provides a collection of useful and customizable UI components for designing modern web applications. By leveraging the power of Vue.js and the flexibility of Bootstrap, developers can create attractive and functional user interfaces with ease. These three Vue Bootstrap UI design examples serve as a starting point for building intuitive and responsive web experiences.