Despite evidence, Biden denies discussing business with son and brother’s partners

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President Joe Biden has denied allegations that he had conversations with his son and brother’s business partners, despite evidence to the contrary.

The allegations stem from emails and documents that were obtained by news outlets, which purportedly show communication between the president and individuals involved in his family’s business dealings.

In response to these claims, President Biden has vehemently denied the allegations, calling them “outright lies” and “smears” aimed at tarnishing his reputation. He has also stated that he has never spoken to anyone about business dealings involving his family members.

However, the evidence that has emerged seems to contradict the president’s claims. The emails and documents in question reportedly show correspondence between the president and his son and brother’s business partners, discussing various business matters.

This apparent discrepancy has raised questions about the president’s involvement in his family’s business dealings and has prompted calls for further investigation into the matter. Critics argue that if the evidence is indeed accurate, it could have serious implications for the president’s credibility and potential conflicts of interest.

The Biden administration has been quick to dismiss the allegations, stating that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing and that the president has always acted in accordance with ethical guidelines. They have also pointed out that the supposed evidence has not been verified and could be part of a larger disinformation campaign aimed at undermining the president’s administration.

Despite these denials, the allegations have undoubtedly cast a shadow over the president’s reputation and have led to increased scrutiny of his family’s business dealings. The calls for transparency and accountability have only grown louder in light of this new evidence, as the American public demands answers about the president’s involvement in his family’s business affairs.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the president will address these allegations and whether further evidence will emerge to support or refute the claims. Until then, the cloud of suspicion will continue to loom over the president’s administration, as the American people wait for a resolution to this troubling saga.

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6 months ago

You got to be kidding me.

6 months ago

He looks concerned.

6 months ago

Why is Biden’s Brain dead? Is it dementia?

6 months ago

That's the "I pooped" face.

6 months ago

He’s caught big time, no getting out of it 😐

6 months ago

You can tell when Joe lies to the nation because his lips are moving.

6 months ago

Why are all or most of the REPLIES to these comments posted are missing, yet clearly states there are replies to numerous comments..what happened to these replies? Too many missng to ignore!!!!????

6 months ago

He denies working! Hows the beach??

6 months ago

Can anyone believe that THAT is a President ? He's an embarrassment .

6 months ago

Habitual nontruth person!!!!!!

6 months ago

Add all this to the fact that his administration has hounded Trump for his entire time in office, for what amounts to nothing, just political BS. I'm not a big Trump fan, but I am far more put off by the Democrats ignoring their primary duties to pursue this nanna nanna boo boo form of public service. Democrats are traitors, criminals, and idiotic.

6 months ago

Can someone buy Joey a conscience so he will feel bad about his nonstop lying?

6 months ago

Biden is 100% right about the bunch of lies. He just could not point to the lier because he he could not see him. Yes, he was not in a front of the mirror.

6 months ago

MSNBC posted this with the comments turned off. They don't cover the news. They cover it up.

6 months ago

Look at his guilty face, he looks likes he's been caught finally and he is speechless and afraid now that everyone knows. He says lies yet there is solid proof, documentation of supposed business deals with China, Russia and other countries where he and his family received millions of dollars. If he's innocent then he needs to prove it but we all know he won't be able to. Joe knows he's been found out and impeachment is next.

6 months ago

He's beginning to remind me of O.J. saying he would send every waking moment of the rest of his life looking to Nicole and Ronald's killer. Too bad we're stuck with him.

6 months ago

If you shat your pants like Joe did you'd walk off too.

6 months ago

Biden has unremovable sins dark “ Karma “ He’s corrupt now he has to suffer …. Hunter Biden indicted on nine tax charges, adding to gun charges in special counsel probe

6 months ago

They're NOW letting the sharks attack and confront him with his corruption because they want him out. lol. Somewhere deep in his brain, Joe understood that they want him replaced.

6 months ago

He found that exit no problem this time.