Despliegue de Django en AWS Lightsail

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Deploy de Django en AWS Lightsail

Deploy de Django en AWS Lightsail

Deploying a Django application on AWS Lightsail is a simple and cost-effective way to host your web application in the cloud. Lightsail provides an easy-to-use interface for managing virtual private servers, making it an ideal choice for beginners and small businesses.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to deploying your Django application on AWS Lightsail:

  1. Create an AWS Lightsail account: If you don’t already have an AWS account, sign up for Lightsail at
  2. Launch an instance: Once logged in to your Lightsail account, click on “Create instance” to launch a new virtual private server. Select the Linux operating system of your choice and choose a plan that fits your needs.
  3. Connect to your instance: Use SSH to connect to your Lightsail instance and install Django and other dependencies needed for your application. You can also set up a virtual environment to manage your project dependencies.
  4. Configure your Django application: Upload your Django project to your Lightsail instance and configure your settings, database connections, and static files. Make sure to update your ALLOWED_HOSTS settings to include your Lightsail instance’s public IP address or domain name.
  5. Set up a web server: Install and configure a web server like Nginx or Apache to serve your Django application to the internet. You can use Gunicorn or uWSGI as the application server to run your Django project.
  6. Secure your application: Enable SSL/TLS encryption for your website by installing a SSL certificate. You can obtain a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt or use a paid certificate for added security.
  7. Monitor and maintain your server: Keep an eye on your server’s performance and security by setting up monitoring tools and configuring automated backups. Regularly update your software and libraries to ensure your application stays secure and up-to-date.

¡Y listo! Ahora tienes tu aplicación Django en funcionamiento en AWS Lightsail. ¡Disfruta de las capacidades de escalabilidad y flexibilidad que te ofrece la nube de AWS!

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3 months ago

buenas se que no lo leas pero me sale 500 Internal Server Error y no se por que buen video

3 months ago

Holaa, me sirvió mucho tu video para hacerme una idea de como desplegar mi proyecto , lo único que yo tengo algunas diferencias en los nombres de las carpetas y también uso mysql, pero solo debo seguir probando. Gracias !!!!

3 months ago

Cual es el futuro de wagtail? Tengo mi proyecto en Django? no se que estrategia seguir para desplegarlo. Un video con las posibilidades seria genial. Mil gracais…

3 months ago

Excelente contenido chamo!! Hay espacio para un hijo perdido de la comunidad que quiere regresar y colaborar?