Detect Objects Using Tensorflow 2 Object Detection!

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Count Objects with Tensorflow 2 Object Detection

Count Objects with Tensorflow 2 Object Detection

Tensorflow 2 Object Detection is a powerful tool for detecting and counting objects in images and videos. With the use of machine learning algorithms and neural networks, Tensorflow 2 Object Detection can accurately identify and count various objects in real-time.

Whether you are working on a project that requires counting the number of people in a crowd, the amount of cars on a road, or the quantity of specific items on a production line, Tensorflow 2 Object Detection can provide the solution you need.

How it Works

Tensorflow 2 Object Detection uses pre-trained models such as SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector) and Faster R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) to detect objects in images and videos. These models are trained on large datasets and can accurately detect a wide variety of objects with high precision.

Once the model has been deployed, it analyzes the input images or video frames and identifies the objects present in them. It then provides information about the location of the objects and their respective classes.

Counting Objects

Once the objects have been detected, you can easily count them using Tensorflow 2 Object Detection. By extracting the information about the detected objects, you can programmatically count the number of instances of each object class present in the input data.

This can be especially useful for applications such as traffic monitoring, inventory management, and security surveillance. The ability to accurately count objects in real-time can help businesses and organizations make informed decisions and improve their operational efficiency.


Tensorflow 2 Object Detection is a valuable tool for counting objects in images and videos. Its ability to accurately detect and count objects can be applied to a wide range of applications, offering valuable insights and improving decision-making processes. Whether you are working on a commercial project or a research study, Tensorflow 2 Object Detection can provide the tools you need to effectively count objects with confidence.

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6 months ago

OMG bro I would do anything you ask. I was googling how to do this and got recommended your video and OFC I get the answer in seconds. I would be so screwed if you didn't exist. Thank you again :))))))))))

6 months ago

Great video thanks, I've been enjoyin the Object Detection series. Would you be able to zoom in a bit in the next vid? Watching through youtube or on a smaller screen than yours its tricky to read

6 months ago

Can you also make a video showing how to deploy this model on a app

6 months ago

How can I convert the export model to tensorflow js? I want to use it with ReactJS. I've been have a lot of errors with versions.

6 months ago

Woah very helpful thanks

6 months ago

Can you make a video on how to crop the images on the basis of their bounding boxes so that it returns all objects separately?

6 months ago

Looking forward to more videos

6 months ago

This is brilliant. Well done 👍

6 months ago


6 months ago

ohhhh this is so helpful! I was trying to get the total before from the thing called "num_detections" but I think that is actually something else so thank you!

6 months ago
