
Develop a Chatbot Using Node.js for ChatGPT

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Writing a ChatGPT Chatbot with Node.js

Writing a ChatGPT Chatbot with Node.js

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. It is capable of generating human-like responses to text input, making it a powerful tool for building chatbots and conversational interfaces.

Setting up Node.js

Before we dive into building a ChatGPT chatbot, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. You can download and install Node.js from the official website: https://nodejs.org/

Installing ChatGPT

To use ChatGPT in our Node.js application, we will need to install the gpt-3 package using npm.

$ npm install gpt-3

Creating the ChatGPT Chatbot

Once we have installed the gpt-3 package, we can start writing our ChatGPT chatbot. Here’s a simple example using Express.js:

const express = require('express');
const { GPT } = require('gpt-3');

const app = express();
const gpt = new GPT({
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',

app.get('/chat', async (req, res) => {
  const { message } = req.query;
  const response = await gpt.sendMessage(message);
  res.json({ chatbotResponse: response });

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('ChatGPT chatbot running on port 3000');

In this example, we create an Express.js server that listens for GET requests on the /chat endpoint. When a request is made with a message query parameter, the chatbot sends a response using the gpt.sendMessage method and returns the response as JSON.

Testing the Chatbot

Once our chatbot is set up, we can test it by sending a message to the /chat endpoint using a web browser or a tool like Postman. The chatbot will respond with a human-like message generated by ChatGPT.


Building a ChatGPT chatbot with Node.js is a great way to leverage the power of conversational AI in your applications. With the gpt-3 package, it’s easy to integrate ChatGPT into your Node.js projects and create engaging conversational experiences for your users.

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Osman Bilgin
7 months ago

Thank you for this helpful tutorial on creating A ChatGPT Chatbot With Node.js! I truly appreciate the guidance and assistance provided by the ChatGPT bot, which has helped me generate this comment.

Shrinjoy Saha
7 months ago

Great video.

Muhammed Özalp
7 months ago

Thank you bro

7 months ago

api is not free

Miguel Gomez
7 months ago

Excellent tutorial, I would avoid using a while loop and would use recursive calling of a chatloop function, recursive functions are non-blocking. They allow Node.js to execute other tasks while waiting for asynchronous I/O operations to complete. Thus, recursive functions can be a better choice to handle heavy computation jobs in order to maintain the responsiveness and scalability of the application. However, please note that you also need to be cautious with recursive functions because if not handled properly, it might cause "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"… that's the only issue I see here 🙂 again thanks for the time and all the effort an dediation to this incredible channel

Dawid Dahl
7 months ago

Looking forward to the Function Calling video!

Mohit Saud
7 months ago

Thank you, great tutorial.

Read To Learn Web
7 months ago

Traversy Media's Node.js and OpenAI tutorial is gold! Clear steps from setup to chat completion (18:49). User input, API key (5:26), and history storage (22:13) well explained. A must-watch guide! 🌟

tushar verma
7 months ago

chatgpt api shows error of insufficient quota is there any solution?

7 months ago

Hi Brad, you mentioned model like 'gpt-3.5-turbo' where did you get this model, can you please explain it ?

Abu Sufian
7 months ago

Thank you so much sir….keep up the good work❤

Alpha Romeo One Five
7 months ago

Good to see you're at least using a real computer, i.e. Macintosh versus that bunch of crap they call a PC (Piece a Crap) along with that asinine crappy Microsucks OS! !

Gbenga Omoyeni
7 months ago

Hi Brad, first, thanks for this tutorial. It took me a long time to figure out making it remember the previous conversation contextually. Using chat History is brilliant. Secondly, it is like you are busy with other businesses these days and you don't have much time for tutorials. Please come back fully. You are the KING of programming tutorials on the web. Give us tutorials on private models that can rival ChatGPT itself like: `LLAMA 2 by meta – absolutely free private model and it's like having the entire chatgpt on your local system`, `OPENLLM – also works brilliantly like llama 2`. Please go fully into creating tutorials on these models. They are hotcakes right now. Thanks a mill.

Jeff Suddaby
7 months ago

What an eye-opener! This gives me a core foundation to start learning how ChatGPT works. Is there a way to run this chatbot with GPT-4?

7 months ago

can you make a video on powershell and powershell scripting?

Ajob Toonz
7 months ago

I wright to chat GPT to Suggest a bats YouTube channel for Learning web development. and Chat GPT Suggest your Channel.

7 months ago

please make videos on mirth connect plz🙏

Guilherme Diniz dos reis gomes
7 months ago

brad you should really do a python video, best instructor for beginners

7 months ago

At 26:40 you get an answer and I get a different answer… lol
I get:
"According to data from the United States Census Bureau in 2020, the estimated population of Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, is approximately 198,000."

7 months ago

Sir which course should I do so that I can get a good job soon