Develop a Graphical User Interface for Your Arduino Project Using QSerialPort in C++ and Qt: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Create a GUI for your Arduino Project | QSerialPort | C++ and Qt Tutorial

Create a GUI for your Arduino Project

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for your Arduino project using QSerialPort, C++, and Qt. The GUI will allow you to interact with your Arduino board and control various aspects of your project.

What You Will Need

  • Arduino board
  • USB cable
  • Qt Creator (IDE for C++ and Qt)
  • Basic knowledge of C++ programming
  • Basic knowledge of Arduino programming

Setting Up Your Arduino

Before we start creating the GUI, make sure that you have your Arduino board set up and connected to your computer via the USB cable. You should also have the Arduino IDE installed on your computer so that you can upload code to your Arduino board.

Creating the GUI with Qt

Open Qt Creator and create a new project for your GUI. Select “Qt Widgets Application” as the project type. This will provide you with a blank canvas to design your GUI.

Adding QSerialPort

QSerialPort is a Qt class that provides cross-platform serial port support. It allows us to communicate with the Arduino board through the USB port. To add QSerialPort to your project, you need to include the header in your main window class and create an instance of QSerialPort.

Designing the GUI

Using the Qt Designer tool in Qt Creator, you can design the layout of your GUI. You can add buttons, sliders, text fields, and other UI elements to control your Arduino project. You can also add labels and status indicators to display information from the Arduino board.

Connecting the GUI to Arduino

Once you have designed your GUI, you can write the C++ code to handle the interactions between the GUI and the Arduino board. You can use the QSerialPort methods to send and receive data from the Arduino board. You can also connect signals from the UI elements to slots in your C++ code to trigger actions on the Arduino board.

Testing Your GUI

Once you have completed the coding and design of your GUI, you can run your application and test it with your Arduino board. You can upload a simple Arduino sketch that listens for serial commands and responds accordingly. Then, you can use the GUI to send commands to the Arduino and see the results in real-time.


Creating a GUI for your Arduino project using QSerialPort, C++, and Qt can add a whole new level of interactivity and control to your projects. With a little bit of C++ programming and Qt design skills, you can create a powerful and user-friendly interface for your Arduino projects.

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6 months ago

How about connect stm32 HID to Qt??

6 months ago

Hello sir I’m working on bionic hand and I have some problems on QT i programmed software and when slider move the motor not working it’s like while move slider noise and work very weird you know but on arduino the motor work well when I send to data May you help please ? I will wait

6 months ago

Great Video as always. Thanks for all the great content. . . Question, do you have an eMail ? How can one reach you privately…

6 months ago

Good job, lot's of useful information 👍