Develop a Python Flask Application with ChatGPT API by OpenAI

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Creating a ChatGPT Application with ChatGPT API from OpenAI in Python Flask

Creating a ChatGPT Application with ChatGPT API from OpenAI in Python Flask

OpenAI’s GPT-3 has revolutionized the world of natural language processing. It can generate human-like text based on the input given to it. With the introduction of the ChatGPT API from OpenAI, developers can now integrate this powerful tool into their own applications. In this article, we will walk through the process of creating a chat application using the ChatGPT API in Python Flask.

Setting up the Environment

Before we can start building our ChatGPT application, we need to set up our development environment. We will need Python and Flask installed on our system. To install Flask, we can use pip:

pip install Flask

Creating the Application

Now that our environment is set up, we can start building our application. First, we need to import the necessary libraries and create a Flask app:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

Next, we need to create a route for our chat endpoint. This is where the user will input their message, and our application will use the ChatGPT API to generate a response. We can use the requests library to make a POST request to the ChatGPT API:

import requests

@app.route('/chat', methods=['POST'])
def chat():
    message = request.form['message']
    response ='', 
                             headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'}, 
                             json={'prompt': message, 'max_tokens': 150})
    return response.json()['choices'][0]['text']

Make sure to replace ‘YOUR_API_KEY’ with your actual API key from OpenAI. Now, when a POST request is made to the ‘/chat’ endpoint with a ‘message’ parameter, our application will use the ChatGPT API to generate a response.

Running the Application

Finally, we can run our Flask application using the following command:

flask run

Our ChatGPT application is now up and running! Users can input a message, and our application will use the ChatGPT API to generate a human-like response.


Integrating the ChatGPT API into our Python Flask application is a powerful way to leverage the capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3. With this knowledge, developers can create chat applications, language translation tools, and more. The possibilities are endless!

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6 months ago

Hello, Great tutorial! the explanation is very well done. For my code it does not show the chat gpt response on the html view. Any suggestion there?

6 months ago

Hello, greatest tutorial however I get a 500 error when asking a question. Any assistance as to why? Also, what is used as the secret_key as only one key provided from openai? Thank you

6 months ago

Amazing video! Helped me a ton.

6 months ago

Hi, I like the video. This is the first time I watch the video once and got 70% out of it that means it is one of the best videos on YouTube and I followed you

6 months ago

hi mam, i am getting an error "openai.error.RateLimitError: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details." and the chatgpt is not answering to any question.

6 months ago

great presentation, but you could've done this in under 20 minutes

6 months ago

nice work, but at the try block just use except openai.error.APIError as error: if error.http_status == 400: response='oO Something Went wrong, your Question Violates the Community bla bla bla' – other exceptions wont come
and its a bit broad only except: blabla 😉

have a nice one 😉
and if u want a different answer try to put the temperatur higher (something more than 0.4 to 0.9) or 1 😉

6 months ago

14:00 – understand flask first



24:45 – template for chatgpt chatbubble
26:25 -> 29:30



6 months ago

This is not chat app but complete app. You have to add loop with history, to have a context

6 months ago

Thank you, I've really been struggling to find comprehensive resources using flask in combination with the API

6 months ago

i cant select de text inside div on this HTML tamplate, I try fix this but I so bad coding in HTML, someone can fix this?

6 months ago

does anyone has the final source code for this project?

6 months ago

tried replicating it with django, by adding views and urls then form tags to the button so it can send a post request, but it didnt work

6 months ago

this was really helpful when should we expect the version ma'am

6 months ago

Fantastic! Great demonstration, I've been struggling to get the API wrapped up inside flask for a few days now and your video cleared it all up for me.

I just have one suggestion for the file though, that the messages = [] and messages.append({"role": "system" etc. etc.)} lines should instead be moved outside of/before the function, or be placed inside an if condition, as otherwise the messages array gets emptied out every time the function is called, causing context issues for follow up questions.

6 months ago

I am developing the app based on the ChatGPT API's with Flutter Flow.

My concern is how will the ChatGPT know my app users and provide the answers based on their age and qualification/education?

6 months ago

Can you personalise the response of chat gpt ? for example i only want it to respond as a certain surname and only about the sports subject. Is this possible ?

6 months ago

The best on Youtube!

6 months ago

you put lot of effort. googel recommended your vid

6 months ago

Why you do not use jupyter notebooks of google colab instead of running python locally?