
Develop a To-Do Application Using Next.js 13: Master CRUD Operations and Tailwind CSS User Interface

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Create a To-Do App with Next.js 13

Create a To-Do App with Next.js 13

In this article, we will learn how to create a To-Do app using Next.js 13, and we will also cover CRUD operations and how to implement a Tailwind CSS UI.

What is Next.js 13?

Next.js is a popular React framework that allows you to build server-rendered React applications with ease. With the release of Next.js 13, it now includes built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and a new hot module replacement (HMR) system, making it even easier to build modern web applications.

Understanding CRUD Operations

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which are the four basic functions of persistent storage. In our To-Do app, we will be implementing these operations to manage our tasks.

Implementing Tailwind CSS UI

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to quickly build custom designs without writing any custom CSS. We will use Tailwind CSS to create a clean and modern user interface for our To-Do app.

Getting Started

To get started, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Then, you can create a new Next.js project by running the following commands:

npx create-next-app@13 to-do-app
cd to-do-app
npm run dev

Creating the To-Do App

Once the project is created, we can start building our To-Do app. We will create components for adding, displaying, updating, and deleting tasks, and we will use the Next.js API routes to handle our CRUD operations.

Implementing Tailwind CSS

To implement Tailwind CSS, we can install it using npm and then create a Tailwind CSS configuration file. We can then use Tailwind CSS classes to style our components and create a beautiful user interface for our To-Do app.


By following this tutorial, you will learn how to create a To-Do app with Next.js 13, implement CRUD operations for managing tasks, and how to use Tailwind CSS to create a modern user interface. This will give you a solid foundation for building more complex web applications in the future.

Thanks for reading! Happy coding!

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Cand Dev
7 months ago

You can clone the final code in this URL: https://github.com/candraKriswinarto/simple-todoapp-with-next13.

7 months ago

Big thanks for sharing this hosting wisdom! Ive examined HostGator and Hostwinds, however Cloudways with TST20 coupn is the actual treasure.

Francisco Salazar
7 months ago

Thanks a lot! I was struggling until I see this video

kasra bt
7 months ago

smooth and clean , i've been subscribed ! ty

aatish nimbokar
7 months ago

unable to display data on UI when I type something & click on submit button

Sanyam Jain
7 months ago

Please make Typescript with react video 🙏🙏

Toản Quốc
7 months ago

Thank you very much. Very helpful and detailed sharing

Marcz Long
7 months ago

I would like to thank you for making the tutorial so easy to follow, even for someone with my poor English. It helped me a lot!

Everson Junior
7 months ago

Is api.ts like api/route.js?

7 months ago

Love it! Simple and good tutorial for me to get back into coding. Would love a follow up video with more advanced design and client – server hosting on e.g. firebase, would be super beneficial and more useful for real projects. Subscribed!

Nguyễn Minh Hùng
7 months ago

thanks god you are here<3333

Dale Stewart
7 months ago

Excellent tutorial especially using the useState hook and useRouter hook.

Prince Godson
7 months ago

Nice Video bro

Клим Чопик
7 months ago

thanks for lesson

Luqman Usman
7 months ago

Hi, kindly give us the source code link, thanks.

7 months ago

But if i want to deploy this on web? what should we use instead of json-server?

Faisal Iqbal
7 months ago

router.refresh() is not working on my side, even it is not showing any warning or errors, completely followed your code as per importing and cache: no-store

Greg Thomas
7 months ago

Link to the code please?

Kalana Dev
7 months ago

Good one!