
Develop and launch a website for documentation

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Create and Deploy a Documentation Website

How to Create and Deploy a Documentation Website

Documentation websites are a great way to provide information and resources for a product, service, or technology. Whether you’re creating a website for an open-source project, a software product, or a service, having comprehensive documentation is essential for users to understand and utilize your offerings effectively. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of creating and deploying a documentation website.

Step 1: Choose a Documentation Tool

There are several documentation tools available that make it easy to create and manage documentation websites. Some popular options include Jekyll, MkDocs, Sphinx, and GitBook. Consider your specific needs, such as support for code samples, versioning, and collaboration features, when choosing a documentation tool.

Step 2: Write Your Documentation

Once you’ve chosen a documentation tool, start writing your documentation. Make sure to organize your content into logical categories and sections, and provide clear and concise information. Include code examples, tutorials, API references, and any other relevant resources to help users understand and use your product or service.

Step 3: Customize Your Website

Most documentation tools come with default themes and templates, but you can also customize the look and feel of your website to match your brand or style. Add a navigation menu, a search feature, and any other elements that will help users navigate and find the information they need easily.

Step 4: Deploy Your Website

Once your documentation website is ready, it’s time to deploy it. There are several ways to host and deploy a documentation website, depending on your preferences and technical skill level. You can use a web hosting service, deploy it on a server, or even use a static website hosting platform such as GitHub Pages or Netlify.


Creating and deploying a documentation website is a critical step in providing valuable resources to your audience. By following these steps and using the right tools, you can create a comprehensive and user-friendly documentation website that will help users get the most out of your product or service.

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7 months ago

Hey Jason, always amazing content. I am following Sebastien Lorber since some time now and I really admire his work 🙂 Best !