Develop Quick, .NET 8 Blazor Apps with Statically Rendered Features and Vue.js Integration

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Create Fast, .NET 8 Blazor Statically Rendered Apps enhanced with Vue.js

Creating Fast, .NET 8 Blazor Statically Rendered Apps with Vue.js

Blazor is a web framework for building interactive client-side web UIs with .NET. With the release of .NET 8, Blazor has gained significant improvements, including the ability to statically render apps for faster load times. Additionally, by integrating Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework, developers can further enhance their Blazor apps to deliver a seamless and dynamic user experience.

What is Blazor?

Blazor is a framework that allows developers to create web applications using C# and .NET instead of JavaScript. This enables developers to use their existing skills and tools to build modern web applications, and even share code across client and server.

Feature of .NET 8

The .NET 8 release includes the ability to statically render Blazor apps. Statically rendering the app means that the server pre-renders the pages at build time, reducing the initial load time for users. This improves the overall performance and user experience, especially on slower connections and devices.

Enhancing with Vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that is designed to be incrementally adoptable. By integrating Vue.js into a Blazor app, developers can leverage its capabilities to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces, such as data binding, component-based architecture, and reactivity.

How to Create Blazor Apps with Vue.js

  1. Start by creating a new Blazor app using .NET CLI
  2. Integrate Vue.js into the Blazor app using the appropriate JavaScript interop
  3. Leverage the Vue.js components and features to enhance the user interface and interactivity
  4. Use static rendering in .NET 8 to optimize the app’s performance


With the combination of .NET 8’s statically rendered Blazor apps and the integration of Vue.js, developers can create fast, efficient, and dynamic web applications that offer an enhanced user experience. By leveraging the power of both technologies, developers can build modern web applications using familiar tools and languages, without sacrificing performance or interactivity.