Developing a Fitness Web App Using Laravel, Vue, and Inertia: Day 4

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Day 4 | Building a Fitness Web App

Welcome to Day 4 of our building a fitness web app series!

Today, we will be diving into the technical side of things and using Laravel, Vue, and Inertia to build out the functionality of our app.


Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that provides a clean, elegant syntax for web application development. It allows us to easily handle routes, controllers, models, and views, making it the perfect choice for building the backend of our fitness web app.


Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework that is used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. With its simple and intuitive API, Vue allows us to create interactive and dynamic UI components for our fitness web app.


Inertia is a library that allows us to build single-page applications using server-side routing and controllers. It seamlessly integrates with Laravel and Vue, providing a smooth and efficient way to create a modern web app without the need for an API.

Bringing it all together

By leveraging the power of Laravel, Vue, and Inertia, we can create a robust and user-friendly fitness web app that provides a seamless experience for our users. From managing user accounts and tracking workout routines to providing personalized fitness plans, our app will have all the features necessary to help users achieve their fitness goals.


With the combination of Laravel, Vue, and Inertia, we are equipped to build a high-quality fitness web app that is not only functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly. Stay tuned for Day 5, where we will continue to build out the front end of our app and add even more exciting features!