Developing a Quiz with Laravel, Vue.js, and Inertia.js

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Creating the quiz | Laravel, Vue js, Inertia js

Creating the quiz with Laravel, Vue js, and Inertia js

If you’re looking to create a quiz application using the Laravel framework, Vue js, and Inertia js, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of building a quiz application using these powerful technologies.

Setting up your environment

Before we start building the quiz application, make sure you have Laravel installed on your system. You can install Laravel using Composer by running the following command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel quiz-app

Once Laravel is installed, we can start setting up our environment for Vue js and Inertia js. Install Vue js using npm with the following command:

npm install vue

Next, we’ll install Inertia js using the following command:

npm install @inertiajs/inertia @inertiajs/inertia-vue

Now that our environment is set up, we can start building the quiz application.

Creating the quiz application

First, let’s create the necessary routes and controllers for our quiz application. In your Laravel application, define the routes for creating and taking quizzes, as well as submitting quiz answers.

Next, create the controllers for handling these routes. You can use Laravel’s artisan command-line tool to generate the controllers:

php artisan make:controller QuizController

Once the routes and controllers are set up, we can start building the frontend of the quiz application using Vue js and Inertia js.

Building the frontend with Vue js and Inertia js

With Inertia js, you can build the frontend of your application using Vue js components while keeping the familiar Laravel routing and controller structure. Set up your Vue js components for creating and taking quizzes, as well as submitting quiz answers.

For example, you can create a QuizCreate.vue component for building the form to create a quiz, and a QuizTake.vue component for displaying and submitting quiz questions and answers.

Once the Vue js components are set up, you can use Inertia js to render these components within your Laravel views. In your controllers, return the Inertia responses for the quiz creation and quiz taking routes, and use these responses to render your Vue js components.

Final thoughts

Building a quiz application with Laravel, Vue js, and Inertia js gives you the power of a robust backend framework with a modern frontend development experience. With these technologies, you can create a seamless and interactive quiz application that provides a great user experience.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to create a quiz application with Laravel, Vue js, and Inertia js, you can start building your own quiz application and explore the various features and capabilities of these powerful technologies.