Developing a React.js Application with Jenkins Freestyle Project #reactjs #jenkins

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Building React.js Application with Jenkins Freestyle Project

Building React.js Application with Jenkins Freestyle Project

In this article, we will discuss how to build a React.js application using Jenkins Freestyle Project. React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Jenkins is a leading open-source automation server that is commonly used for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of software applications.

To get started, you will need to have a React.js application and a Jenkins server set up. Once you have these prerequisites in place, follow the steps below to build your React.js application using a Jenkins Freestyle Project.

Step 1: Install Jenkins Plugins

Before you can build a React.js application with Jenkins, you will need to install the necessary plugins. In the Jenkins dashboard, navigate to “Manage Jenkins” and then “Manage Plugins.” Search for and install the following plugins:

  • NodeJS Plugin
  • Git Plugin

Step 2: Configure NodeJS

Once the NodeJS plugin is installed, you will need to configure it in Jenkins. Go to “Manage Jenkins” and then “Global Tool Configuration.” Under the “NodeJS” section, click “Add NodeJS” and specify the NodeJS installation. You can also install npm and specify the npm packages to be installed globally.

Step 3: Set Up Jenkins Freestyle Project

Create a new Jenkins Freestyle Project by clicking “New Item” on the Jenkins dashboard. Give the project a name and select “Freestyle project.” Under the “Source Code Management” section, specify the Git repository where your React.js application is hosted.

Step 4: Configure Build Steps

Under the “Build” section of the Jenkins Freestyle Project configuration, add a build step to install the project dependencies using npm. You can do this by adding a “Execute shell” build step and entering the command “npm install” to install the project dependencies.

Step 5: Build and Deploy

Save your Jenkins Freestyle Project configuration and trigger a build. Jenkins will fetch the source code from the specified Git repository, install the project dependencies using npm, and build the React.js application. You can then deploy the built application to a web server or hosting platform of your choice.

Building a React.js application with Jenkins Freestyle Project allows for automated and streamlined CI/CD processes, making it easier to continuously build and deploy your application. By following these steps, you can effectively integrate Jenkins into your React.js development workflow and automate the build process for your application.

With the right configuration and setup, Jenkins can help improve the efficiency and reliability of building React.js applications, ultimately leading to faster delivery of high-quality software.

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6 months ago

how to deploy it using docker image?