Building a REST API with FastAPI, Async SQLModel, and PostgreSQL
FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints.
Async SQLModel is an asynchronous ORM (Object Relational Mapper) built on top of SQLAlchemy and Pydantic that allows you to interact with your database using Python types. PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that is known for its reliability and performance.
In this article, we will walk through the process of building a REST API using FastAPI, Async SQLModel, and PostgreSQL.
Step 1: Setting up the environment
First, you will need to install FastAPI, Async SQLModel, and the asyncpg driver for PostgreSQL. You can do this using pip:
pip install fastapi[all] sqlalchemy databases asyncpg
Step 2: Creating the database model
Next, you will define your database model using SQLModel. Here is an example of a simple User model:
from sqlmodel import SQLModel, Field
class User(SQLModel, table=True):
id: int = Field(primary_key=True)
name: str
email: str
Step 3: Creating the API with FastAPI
Now, you will create your API using FastAPI. Here is an example of a simple API endpoint for creating a new user:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from asyncorm import Database
from models import User
app = FastAPI()"/users/")
async def create_user(user: User):
db = Database("postgresql://user:password@localhost/dbname")
await db.connect()
await db.insert(user)
await db.disconnect()
return {"message": "User created successfully"}
Step 4: Running the API
Finally, you can run your API using the uvicorn server. Run the following command in your terminal:
uvicorn your_api_file:app --reload
Your API should now be up and running! You can test it using a tool like Postman or cURL.
Building a REST API with FastAPI, Async SQLModel, and PostgreSQL is a powerful and efficient way to create APIs with Python. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly build a robust API that interacts with a PostgreSQL database asynchronously.
Hi guys,
Kindly click the like button because this video was hard to make.
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Nice job !!!
Hey Jonathan, I have just as you have it on your video, but settings = Setting() has Settings() underlined( error = Argument missing for parameter "DATABASE_URL"). Why?
Another great tutorial. Thank you very much. I would like to request for a tutorial of FastAPI with React, showing the frontend and backend usage of the API. I would also like to see how you handle storage of other data files like images in the API database.
Thank you sir. I followed your DRF tutorial and even deployed my app , but Please i have a serious issue managing migrations production. i made some research and decided not to push my migration files anymore so that the command:"release: python migrate –no-input" in the procfile will take care of migrating everything.
But i don't understand why added a field and migrations occured locally and are working fine but in production there is this error:"column main_item.price does not exist". Please sir could you make a video to explain us the best practices for handling migrations/database changes in production? I'm sure it will help more than one. i reall will be grateful 🙏🙏
It is a backend on which i'll certainly have to be doing changes from time to time and i don't want this to happen when there will be actual data in the backend( will soon release the app i'm working on). Since so far i have been resolving this problem by formating the database😔😥 It really hurts
How to read Excel file form storege and upload it on firestore plz make ASAP 😅
Hi Jonathan, could you include Authentication in a next part of this serie of videos. Thanks in advance.
hello jo, i wanted to make a request. could you please make a full course on testing with python? especially mocking
My wife's son is gay
I love FastAPI❤
TBH this channel got me so much interest and motivation to learn FastAPI
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