Developing a Rich Text Editor using PyQt

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In this tutorial, we will be building a rich text editor using PyQt, a popular Python GUI toolkit. A rich text editor is a text editor that allows for formatting options such as bold, italic, underline, and more. PyQt provides all the necessary tools to build a feature-rich text editor with a modern and clean user interface.

To get started, make sure you have PyQt installed on your system. You can install PyQt using pip:

pip install pyqt5

Once you have PyQt installed, we can start building our rich text editor. First, create a new Python script and import the necessary PyQt modules:

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QTextEdit, QAction, QFontDialog
from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont
import sys

Next, create a class for our rich text editor that inherits from QMainWindow:

class RichTextEditor(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):


    def initUI(self):
        self.text_edit = QTextEdit(self)

        # Create actions for formatting options
        bold_action = QAction('Bold', self)

        italic_action = QAction('Italic', self)

        underline_action = QAction('Underline', self)

        font_action = QAction('Font', self)

        # Add formatting options to a toolbar
        toolbar = self.addToolBar('Text Actions')

        self.setWindowTitle('Rich Text Editor')

In the initUI method, we create a QTextEdit widget as the central widget of the QMainWindow. We also create actions for bold, italic, underline, and font options and connect them to their corresponding methods. Finally, we add these actions to a toolbar in the QMainWindow.

Next, we need to implement the methods for the formatting options:

def toggle_bold(self):
    # Toggle bold formatting
    font = self.text_edit.currentFont()
    font.setBold(not font.bold())

def toggle_italic(self):
    # Toggle italic formatting
    font = self.text_edit.currentFont()
    font.setItalic(not font.italic())

def toggle_underline(self):
    # Toggle underline formatting
    font = self.text_edit.currentFont()
    font.setUnderline(not font.underline())

def change_font(self):
    # Open font dialog to change font
    font, ok = QFontDialog.getFont()

    if ok:

In these methods, we modify the current font of the text edit widget to apply the formatting options. The change_font method opens a QFontDialog to let the user choose a different font for the text.

Finally, we need to create the main application loop and run our rich text editor:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    editor = RichTextEditor()

Now, you can run the script and see your rich text editor in action. You can try out the formatting options such as bold, italic, underline, and changing the font. This simple rich text editor can be extended further by adding more formatting options, saving and loading documents, and more.

I hope this tutorial helps you get started with building rich text editors using PyQt. PyQt provides a powerful set of tools for building robust and feature-rich GUI applications in Python. Have fun experimenting with PyQt and building your own custom rich text editor!

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2 hours ago

the font styles are not working

2 hours ago

i am getting these errors: (in file_saveas function)

name 'path' is not defined
'RTE' object has no attribute 'update_title'

also u forgot the print part, zoom-in and zoom-out….

2 hours ago

you're the best

2 hours ago

Very nice
How can add input text field like ms word to writing text everywhere by clicking

2 hours ago

can i do some more things like add symbols aka markup language tool ?

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