
Developing an Online Cake Store Using AngularJS, NodeJS, and MySQL

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Online Cake Store Project

Online Cake Store Project on AngularJS, NodeJS and MySQL

Online Cake Store Project is a web application developed using AngularJS, NodeJS and MySQL. The project aims to provide a platform for customers to browse and order cakes online. The application also allows the administrators to manage the inventory, customer orders and other aspects of the store.

Features of the Project

  • Customer Registration and Login
  • Browsing and Ordering Cakes
  • Viewing Order History
  • Admin Dashboard for Managing Inventory and Orders

Technologies Used

The project utilizes the following technologies:

  • AngularJS: A front-end web application framework for building dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • NodeJS: A server-side JavaScript runtime for building scalable and fast network applications.
  • MySQL: A popular open-source relational database management system for storing and managing data.

Implementation Details

The front-end of the application is developed using AngularJS, which provides a structured and organized approach to building the user interface. The back-end of the application is implemented using NodeJS, which handles the server-side logic and communication with the MySQL database. The database is used to store information about products, customers, orders and other related data.

The project follows a modular and component-based architecture, which allows for better maintenance and scalability. The user authentication and authorization are implemented using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure and seamless user experience.


The Online Cake Store Project on AngularJS, NodeJS and MySQL is a comprehensive web application that provides a modern and efficient solution for managing an online cake store. The use of AngularJS and NodeJS makes the application fast and responsive, while MySQL ensures reliable and scalable data management. This project can serve as a great example for learning and implementing similar web applications.