
Developing Decoupled Drupal on Docker with Docksal Simplifying the Process

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Decoupled Drupal Dev on Docker with Docksal Doing the Dirty Work

Decoupled Drupal Dev on Docker with Docksal Doing the Dirty Work

Decoupled Drupal development has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more web developers are looking to build flexible, scalable, and modern web applications. One of the key technologies driving this trend is Docker, a platform for containerizing applications and their dependencies. When combined with Docksal, a tool for managing Docker-based projects, developers can streamline their workflow and focus on building great software rather than worrying about infrastructure.

So what exactly is “decoupled Drupal development” and how does Docker fit into the picture? Well, Drupal is a powerful content management system (CMS) used by organizations of all sizes to build websites and web applications. Traditionally, Drupal has been used to create full-stack monolithic applications, where the frontend and backend are tightly coupled. However, in recent years, developers have been exploring new ways to build Drupal applications, such as by separating the frontend and backend, using JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue.js to create the frontend, and leveraging Drupal purely as a backend data source.

This approach allows for greater flexibility and scalability, as the frontend and backend can be developed and deployed independently, and developers can use the best tools for each part of the application. This is where Docker comes into play. Docker provides a way to package applications and all of their dependencies into containers, which can run on any machine with Docker installed. This means that developers can easily create consistent development environments, share their work with others, and deploy their applications to production with confidence.

Putting it all together, Docksal is a tool that simplifies the management of Docker-based projects, providing a set of pre-configured Docker containers for commonly used web development tools such as Apache, MySQL, and Node.js. With Docksal, developers can quickly spin up a development environment, run tests, and deploy their applications to a variety of hosting providers, all without having to worry about the nitty-gritty details of Docker and container orchestration.

By using Docksal to manage their Docker-based decoupled Drupal projects, developers can focus on writing great code, testing their applications, and delivering value to their customers, without getting bogged down in the complexities of infrastructure management. With the power of Docker and the convenience of Docksal, decoupled Drupal development has never been easier or more enjoyable.