Developing Low Code Microservices with Golang, Node.js, and JsonSchema

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Low Code Microservice in Golang & Node.js + JsonSchema

Low Code Microservice in Golang & Node.js + JsonSchema

When building microservices, developers often face the challenge of writing and maintaining a large amount of code. Low code platforms have gained popularity as a way to streamline this process by providing a visual interface for designing and deploying microservices. In this article, we will explore how to create a low code microservice using Golang and Node.js, and leverage JsonSchema for data validation.


Golang is a statically typed, compiled programming language that has gained popularity for building microservices due to its performance and concurrency features. With a low code platform, developers can design and deploy Golang microservices without having to write extensive code. This can significantly reduce development time and minimize the potential for errors.


Node.js is a popular runtime for building server-side applications, including microservices. With a low code platform, developers can easily create and deploy Node.js microservices without having to write as much code. This can help to streamline the development process and improve overall productivity.


JsonSchema is a vocabulary that allows developers to define the structure of JSON data. It provides a way to validate and annotate JSON data, making it easier to ensure that microservices are receiving and responding with the correct data. By leveraging JsonSchema, developers can build more robust and reliable microservices.


Low code platforms offer a convenient way to design and deploy microservices without the need for extensive coding. By using Golang and Node.js, along with JsonSchema for data validation, developers can create a reliable and efficient microservice architecture. This can ultimately lead to faster development cycles and more resilient applications.