Developing Object Detection Web Application using YOLOv7 and Flask

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Object Detection Using YOLOv7 and Flask | Object Detection Web Application

Object Detection Using YOLOv7 and Flask

YOLOv7 is a state-of-the-art real-time object detection system that can detect multiple objects in an image with high accuracy. In this article, we will explore how to use YOLOv7 with Flask to create a web application for object detection.

Setting Up YOLOv7

First, you will need to install YOLOv7 and its dependencies. You can find the installation instructions on the official YOLOv7 repository on GitHub. Once you have installed YOLOv7, you can use pre-trained models to detect objects in images.

Creating a Flask Web Application

Flask is a popular web framework for Python that allows you to create web applications with ease. You can create a new Flask project and set up routes to handle object detection requests. You will also need to create a simple HTML form for users to upload images for object detection.

Integrating YOLOv7 with Flask

Once you have set up the Flask web application, you can integrate YOLOv7 to handle object detection requests. When a user uploads an image, the web application will pass the image to YOLOv7 for object detection. YOLOv7 will then return the detected objects along with their bounding boxes and confidence scores.

Displaying Object Detection Results

Finally, you can display the object detection results on the web application using HTML and CSS. You can create a simple interface to show the original image along with the detected objects and their bounding boxes. This will allow users to easily visualize the object detection results.


Object detection using YOLOv7 and Flask is a powerful combination that allows you to create a real-time object detection web application. With YOLOv7’s accuracy and speed, and Flask’s simplicity, you can easily create a web application for object detection that can be accessed from any device with a web browser.

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6 months ago

Hi Aarohi! is there a way to get the class names by hovering over the bounding boxes or by clicking them, rather than displaying all the class names? Because with all the names of the classes the resulting image is really messy.

6 months ago

Your videos are always amazing. This is just what I wanted.
I have a kind request, can I get the codes you used in this video please? Because the ones in your repo seem to be a little different. I want to create a similar web app to inference my yolo model on.

6 months ago

can you guide about yolo8 for detection and counting objects in images.

6 months ago


6 months ago

hello, I am level 2 membership of this channel. Would you please share the code including flask and notebook to me ? The code in the Github is not completed yet. I am looking forward to receiving a kind reply from you.

6 months ago

Hello, after watching your video, I am learning django, and now I want to learn the deployment of deep learning, please can send the complete code, thanks

6 months ago

Aarohi please create a video on deploying the yolov7 tflite to an android studio to get apk

6 months ago

I want to use multiple different yolo models on my web page, such as v5 v6 v7, is there any good way?

6 months ago

Hello! First thanks so much for this video, I'm having trouble launching the web cam feature, seems like the code in the repo is diferent. I've tried multiple ways to run the web cam but i l keep getting error 500. Any advice or article to help me solve this?

6 months ago

Hello, I was looking at the code, I am interested in learning a little more, can you please provide me with the code that you have in the video, it is for my learning.

6 months ago

Can you make video with front end with angular or react ?

6 months ago

i want to join level 2 member, please

6 months ago

hello, I am level 2 membership of this channel. Would you please share the code including flask and notebook to me ? The code in the Github is not completed yet. I am looking forward to receiving a kind reply from you.

6 months ago

Webcam not working internal server error. The server encountered an error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is error in the application

6 months ago

where is '' file

6 months ago

how to use this for yolov5 custom model?

6 months ago

maam please provide exact html code in your github account

6 months ago

please share the jupyter notebook mam

6 months ago

Can you create a video explaining the training results and curves of performance

6 months ago

Its not working for webcam